The Kiss

by Michael Crow


The bite wasn’t what I expected. A gentle wispy kiss just below the beard line, whispering honey-laced allurements in my ear. Languor took hold of me and warmth filled my body and before long I passed into darkness. It wasn’t the terror and pain that stories tell but gentleness and quittance.

There was plenty of scalding, piercing pain like being impaled by a thousand searing pikes. The pain came when I awoke from death. After pain came gelidity and nihility, a void in my being. A gnawing urge deep within to fill the void. A hunger for succulent satisfying blood.


Michael Crow

Michael has been dabbling with writing for over a decade. His area of focus is dark fiction. He is also published sports writing having work published by USA Today and The Guillotine. He lives in Central Minnesota with his wife, daughter, and two cats. 



Supernatural stories for LOCKDOWN.


Horror stories for LOCKDOWN.

The Fliers Club

by James Lipson


“Are you kidding me?”

“I might be. Why?”

“Seriously? Look in the mirror, tell me what you see.”
“I see a well-appointed Armani suit, impeccable Testoni Oxford shoes, one of twelve Rolex Zerographe Reference watches and a pair of Bvlgari BV 106K glasses.”

“Really? Is that all you see?”
“Dimitry, I’m sure I don’t know what you speak of.”

“You do realize your fang implants aren’t invisible, yes?”

“I thought they gave me an air of terror.”

“Vladimir, while impeccably dressed, an aging vampire with dentures does not invoke the level of fear or terror our membership requires. Application denied.”


James Lipson

James Lipson’s debut book, Fallen and Other Stories, was published in 2019. His short stories have appeared in Black Hare Press Anthologies, Teleport Magazine, Inner Circle’s Writers Group Anthologies, and others. With a background in art, James has naturally turned to illustrating as he writes, bringing many of his short stories to life not only with descriptive detail, but also detailed visual imagery.


Instagram: jameslipsonart


Covert Operation Helsing: Malawi Mission

by Jacob Bowers


“You may have done your research, but you don’t know a thing about this place,” said my driver as we bumped along the muddy road.

I clutched my crucifix and my badge; United Nations Peacekeeping, Vatican Dispatch. On paper, they knew the vampire killings were third world hysteria. But in reality…they sent me.

I was scared shitless.

We stopped at the little hovel with no windows.

I entered, brandishing my crucifix in the dark before me.

I couldn’t see it—only those green eyes, waiting, beckoning for me to come closer. I reached for my vial of holy water.

Jacob Bowers

Jacob Bowers is a student at Franciscan University of Steubenville, majoring in English. He enjoys reading, writing fiction, watching any kind of movie, and debating obscure theological topics. 


What’s Inside Gregg Cunningham’s Noggin’?

So, somebody finally asked me to pull up a chair and find out just what it is that makes me tick. Cheers guys, I really appreciate this. As for what’s inside the noggin’, well let’s find out shall we, because I don’t have a clue what’s going to come out, and to be honest, in the words of my daughter meeting up with her favourite Disney Princess… it’s a wee bit scary.

A Shot of Carmilla

by Joachim Heijndermans


Funny, a thing like her being so beautiful.  Asleep, she could pass for human, were it not for the teeth at the corners from her mouth.  Sleeping beauty in a drop pod.

The colony is right below us.  Blissfully unaware of what is about to come down on them.  Bloodsucker outbreak, brought to them by a shot of Carmilla.

Horrible way to die.  And any infected survivors would get the thirst and the sun’s burn, I tell you what.  I’d feel bad, but one look at the poster of the King massacre kills any of that.

Green light.  Bombs away.


Joachim Heijndermans

Joachim Heijndermans writes, draws, and paints nearly every waking hour. Originally from the Netherlands, he’s been all over the world, boring people by spouting random trivia. His work has been featured in a number of anthologies and publications, such as Mad Scientist Journal, Asymmetry Fiction, Hinnom Magazine, Ahoy Comics’s Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror, Metaphorosis and The Gallery of Curiosities, and he’s currently in the midst of completing his first children’s book. You can check out his other work at, or follow him on Twitter: @jheijndermans.


Weak Timid Afraid

by Kathy Slater Neilsen


Her skin translucent, veins within, a road map to her heart. The heart I’ve been cast from. I loom over her, wood stake poised.

Eyes open, burning, upon me.

“Get off.”  She flicks me aside, a broken, pathetic mortal.

“Turn me” I plead. “If you love me, turn me.”

“Love? You’re weak, timid, afraid. Turning won’t change that.” She stares. Laughing. “You’re good for one thing only.”

She’s upon me, wild, fierce, hungry. Cold fangs pierce warm flesh. An oaken stake intervenes. Startled, eyes wide, her heart stutters, stops. Eyes dim. Blood gushes. I drink.

I am…




Kathy Slater Neilsen

Kathy Slater Neilsen has always possessed a passion for writing as well as reading. Her early writing career included freelance non-fiction. Then, as is often the case, life lead her on a different journey that included motherhood and a small business. But she never stopped writing. Now retired and living on the east coast she is currently writing fiction and is focused on short stories and flash fiction.


Kevin J. Kennedy

Kevin J Kennedy is a horror author & editor from Scotland. He is best known for his 100 Word Horrors & The Horror Collection anthology series. He is also the man behind the Collected Horror Shorts series and an editor on multiple other anthologies.

Wardenclyffe by Gregg Cunningham

Imagine if you will, a world where our history pages have been smudged, ever so slightly. A world where places and people sort of, well…differ from our current reality.