La Quintrala and the Lord of Agony

by Ximena Escobar


Crimson petals, as bright as the blood she spilled, did nothing to soothe their wounds. Red, like her mane swaying, as branches tore her slaves’ skin and her pores wept.

She’d lain the flowers at His feet. Despite that, he still looked down on her. Hanging up there, on the crucifix.

No man looks at me like that in my house.

Decades later, as flames licked the eager underground and a priest returned Him home, He stretched his wooden arms at the doorway, too wide to pass.

Face up on her deathbed, mane red as hell, she pleaded to him.

Ximena Escobar

Ximena is writing short stories and poetry. Originally from Chile, she lives in Sydney with her family.

Facebook: @ximenautora 



by Constantine E. Kiousis


He’d been following her since the pub, her silhouette outlined against the pale moonlight. She’d caught his eye immediately, her black dress and furry bucket-hat screaming “money.” She wasn’t bad on the eyes either. Most of those stuck-up bitches weren’t.

She took a sharp turn down an alley. He grinned as he glanced around. No witnesses. Pulling a knife, he rushed down the backstreet and grabbed her, slamming her, back-first, against the wall.

Her hat fell.

His eyes widened as her hissing hair slithered and coiled.

His scream died in his throat as he fell back, shattering against the ground.

Constantine E. Kiousis

Constantine E. Kiousis spends most of his time wandering through the worlds he has created, exploring every nook and cranny and constantly discovering new places and stories that need to be told.

He’s currently plotting new ways to unleash the terrifying tales hiding in his mind upon the world, one word at a time.

Facebook: @KiousisStoryteller