666: A Dark Microfiction Anthology
Tiny tales of horror.
We all have a fascination for things that scare us—the thrill, the heart-stopping jump scares, the terrifying suspense. From the youngest age, we’re fascinated by the fiendish and furry, the creepiest critters, the naughty and the nasty. Horror is all around us, from the clowns who hide under our bed, to the things we might drag up from the brook at the bottom of the garden, and the zombies who crawl our streets.
As author, Megan Feehley, so beautifully says; there is beauty just before the terror…a silken breath taken before the spill of righteousness…the warmth of a licking flame preceding the scald.
So, close the drapes, check the locks, turn on all the lights and get comfortable. But don’t close your eyes…
Never close your eyes…
Buffeted by Kurt Adam
The Shadow in the Mirror by Rotten Akers
The Dark Trail by Ken Alders
Home Invasion by Annya Alexander
De Muertos by Jay Alexander
Last Night by Justin Allec
The Quiet Aquarium by Diana Allgair
Donation by Suann Amero
Outrunning the Bear by Kevin David Anderson
Betrayed by Jenniefer Andersson
A Murder at Wren Cottage by Jodie Angell
Shadow by Cassandra Angler
Mary’s Inner Self by Yvette Appleby
Blood Angel by T.A. Arnold
Soul Cat by Diane Arrelle
Cherished Time by James S. Austin
Homogeneity by Olivia Ava
The Limitless Regret by Suzanne Baginskie
Mr Gangly by Jay Baird
Shockingly Real by Gabriella Balcom
Stains by Robert Balentine Jr.
Survivor by Chisto Healy
To Keep Someone’s Heart by Chris Bannor
Mrs Orton’s Porch Step by Danyel Bardo
Groundhog Day by Dasie Barkus
Sacrifice to the Moloch by Darkbird Bat
Two Points by Jim Bates
Pop! by Evan Baughfman
The Acolyte by Karen Bayly
The Zombie Divorce by Dorn Beaman
Nine Ladies Dancing by Danelley Beat
The Contract by Jocanada Beckwith
Fruiting Body by Rowan Bell
Strawberry Jam by Warren Benedetto
The Ten Year Itch by Victor J. Amadeous Beowulf IV
Together Forever by Tammy Bird
Parting Lovers by Emery Blake
Torment by Lauraine S. Blake
Thunder by Duran Blondel
Quench by Darke Blud
Midday by Danielle Bonnin
Munch by Dire Bonnington
Breathe by Delfina Bonuchi
Liver Spaghetti Sauce by Joshua E. Borgmann
You’ll Always Be My Girl by Dáire Borke
Emma by Christine Bottas
Weep by Dominique Bourdon
The Return of the Butcher by David Bowmore
The Number of a Man by Maggie D. Brace
Esser by Robin Braid
Atomic Soup by Dana Branch
The Birthday Collection by Margarida Brei
First to Go by Michelle Brett
Together Forever by Denys Breuse
When Love leaves by Matt Brinkerton
The Familiar by Clara Brockway
The Exe’s Revenge by Damon Brodie
Chastity by Dorann Brooke
Quiet by Michelle Brooks
A Woman Scorned by Delena Brothaigh
I’m Sorry by D. Marie Brougher
Visage by Christy Brown
The Final Jump Scare by Tiffany Michelle Brown
Music by D. Day Bryan
Bunny Butcher by Daytona Bulove
The Whispering Wind by D.M. Burdett
Three Sentence Challenge by Dawn Burdett
Homeward Bound by Keith R. Burdon
A Zombie’s Hunger by Dusty Burford
Mother by Finnian Burnett
The Groom Arrives by Stephen Bustanoby
Voices in the Distance by Grant Butler
Cornered by Peter Caffrey
The Rescue by Elle Cameron
Prince of Hell by Jennifer Canaveral
A Cell of Flesh by Micah Castle
It Shambles Towards Me in the Dark by C. Daniela Castro
I Shamble Towards You in the Dark by C. Danny Castro
It Shambles Towards Them in the Dark by C.D. Castro
The Husband’s Lair by Nelsim F. Chan
All Hare the King by Buck Charger
My Treasure by A.S. Charly
Subterranean Loser by Maxine Churchman
Devil’s Deal by Jade Cinders
The Old Ways Are the Best by Simon Clarke
Lost in the Dark by Gary Clifton
The Mask by Stuart Conover
The Whispering by Lyndsey Croal
Give me a name by Renee Cronley
Desolation by S.J. Crowe
His Bite’s Worse than His Bark by Gregg Cunningham
Due to a Combination of Faulty Genes by Christopher T. Dabrowski translated by Julia Mraczny
OK, Boomer by Lance Dale
It Shambles Towards You in the Dark by C. Dan Castro
Final Release by Meera Dandekar
An Unforgettable Night by Adrian David
Lego and Jigsaws by Ainsley Davidson
Reciprocate by Mason Davidson
Lucky Devil by Tracy Davidson
Not Welcome by Andrew Davis
There Goes 666 by Rajiv de Sega
The Dabbler by Marie Dean
A Demon’s Snack by Radar DeBoard
The Dark Lord’s Cure by Dawn DeBraal
Reflection by Andra Dill
It Goes to Bed with Me by Michael Anthony Dioguardi
Last One by Gordon Dunleavy
Night Maere by Jaycee Durand
Slippery When Wet by Teresita E. Dziadura
Nine Lives by K.B. Elijah
Shape Of Death by Carla Eliot
Blocked by L.T. Emery
Just Hanging Out by Amanda Evans
Hunger Be Damned by Michael D. Evans
Keep Your Eyes Open, Sweetheart by Tuesday Fang
Ritual by J.M. Faulkner
And in the Darkness, Wake Me by Jay Faulkner
A Circulation by Megan Feehley
Semi-Automatic by James Flanagan
Stone Harvest by Woodrow Fleer
Turn the Handle by Peter J. Foote
Dating My Daughter by J.D. Frain
The Lady in the Ground by Jodie Francis
Daddy’s Girl by Robyn Fraser
Stowaway by Kat Friday
The Visitor by Birgit K. Gaiser
The Demonstration by Patrick J. Gallagher
On the Mattress by Conrad Gardner
Sasaeng Fans by J.F. Garrard
In the Sack (With the Necrophiliac) by Den Ghostliven
A Pair of Socks by Scott G. Gibson
A Death Anniversary by Armand Gloriosa
Early Morning Coffee by Benjamin Goldstein
Tradition by R.A. Goli
Youthful Glow by Jonni Gore
Abducted by Arlo Gorevin
Among The Weeds, Across The Pond by R. Wayne Gray
The Christmas Killer by Joshua Greally
Amfi Bee Ann by David Green
It’s All in Your Head by S.O. Green
Remodel by Michael Gregory
Diabolus by Denver Grenell
Dark Hands by Blakewood Grey
Housebound by Jameson Grey
Hog Roast by Billie Griffin
Substitute by Douglas Gwilym
Fools Wish by J.C. Haggerty
No by R.M. Hannigan
Light Sleeper by Jason Hardy
Pitcher Perfect by Lindsey Harrington
Tender and Bittersweet by Miriam H. Harrison
Rebirth of the Fallen by Alyson Hasson
Human Warmth by Bridget Haug
Party Boat by Alexandra Haverská
Windows of the Soul by Joanna Hawkers
Why Am I Under Your Spell? by Matt Hawkers
Outside the House of the Spiteful Witch by Samson Stormcrow Hayes
I’ll Come Back for Justice by Russell Hemmell
I’m so Close by Stephen Herczeg
An Eye for an Eye by Chris Hewitt
Little Sacrifices by Mason H. Hilden
The First Lesson by Liam Hogan
Gore May Delight by Steven Holding
Shattered by Darlene Holt
The Tooth Fairy’s Apprentice by Harold Hoss
All Our Trespasses by Ali House
Incubator by Bill Hughes
Was it Plato? by Avery Hunter
Date Night by L.N. Hunter
Complexion by Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito
The Hunger by Sundae Iris
Too Expensive by Trina Jacobs
Barbed Comment by Doug Jacquier
The Grave Robber by Jasmine Jarvis
The Summoning by David Jobe
Whispers by Erin Jones
The Cold People by Fiona M. Jones
Almost by Kara Jones
Spilt Syrup by Lane Jordan
Unbroken Bonds by Nicole Kay
Preservation by Nerisha Kemraj
Dear Slavic Santa by Jaden Apollo
Cramps by Catherine Kenwell
Long Pig Tartare by Peter Kerby
The COVID-19 Mantra: Stay the Fuck at Home by D. Kershaw
Social Media Bullies by Furr Kewmal
Hide and Seek by Constantine E. Kiousis
My Hands Don’t Want Their Skin by Roxanne Klimek
The Enemy Within by Dawn Knox
Dolly by M. Korps
Musings from the Circles of Hell by Matt Krizan
Clown Mask by John Kujawski
The Mutilation Game by Andrew Kurtz
Pepper by Jennifer Lai
Fresh Meat by John Lane
Let It End! by Amanda Cecelia Lang
Count Backwards from Ten by Blaise Langlois
Green Eyes by Charlotte Langtree
The Sound by Tim Law
Roadkill by Catrin Lawrence
The Wild Ones by Sonya Lawson
Everything But Plastic by Aaron Lebold
Loves Lost by Gene Lee
Partners Under the Moon by Nikki R. Leigh
A Consequence of Calling by Colin Leonard
Snow Day by Sam Lesek
Submission by Munday Locke
Storm Cellar by Marion Lougheed
Mourning Son by Kate Lowe
Ice Queen by Shawn M. Klimek
Family by Jonathan MacDonald
Raróg’s Revenge by Drew Man
On the Beach by John C. Mannone
Portal by Lindsay Mansfield
Homeward by Maxwell Marais
Wendigo Winds by Mercy Marie
Growing Pains by Gloria Martin
On Social Media by Jean Martin
Hope by Kelly Matsuura
Blood by Brian Maycock
Underground by Sławomir Mazur
Wicked Offerings by Delaney McCormick
The Game by Andrew McDonald
One Last Bite by Gary McDonough
Burning Love by Jaimie McGivery
The 365th Day by Scott McGregor
The Offering by S.A. McKenzie
The Monster Under the Bed by Sharron McKenzie
Echelon by Garrison McKnight
Rejection by L.J. McLeod
An Exit Is Not the Same As an Entrance by Marcelo Medone
Livestock by R.J. Meldrum
Subdermal by Isaac Menuza
Silly Old Tree by Helen M. Merrick
Stuck with Cleanup by Blen Mesfin
Unanswered Prayers by Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Played Out by Jen Mierisch
Mrs Carol by Mendel Mire
Wildflowers by Matthew M. Montelione
Home Improvement by Eddie D. Moore
Mammon by D.B. Morvid
Watermark by Mel Mulrooney
Calendar Girl by Mike Murphy
Congregation by Henry Myllylä
Unholy Transaction by Burr Nadette
The Hungry Catacomb by Victor Nandi
Lover of the Lost by Hari Navarro
Practice Limitations by Mari Ness
Venom of God by Elizabeth Nettleton
Better by B.A. Nielsen
A Ghost Story by S.A. O’Driscoll
Pick a Game From the Compenium by Keely O’Shaughnessy
The Midnight Beast by Deni Oiticica
No Such Thing by Sherry Osborne
This Means War by Wednesday Paige
Grinning Teeth by Sean M. Palfrey
Surgery Nightmare by Caitlyn Palmer
Even in the Dark by S. Jade Path
Atrophy by Beth W. Patterson
A Father’s Love by Reuben Paul
The Gallows Dancers by Leanbh Pearson
Cheese by Brooke Percy
Simplification by B.T. Petro
Getting to Know You by Nick Petrou
All the Headlights Shining by Emma Phillips
The Concrete Tomb by Lynne Phillips
The Monster by Nancy Pica Renken
Fetish by Destiny Eve Pifer
Beast by Bex Pinckney
Black Eyes by Dustin Pinney
Escape from the House in the Woods by Simon J. Plant
Scurry by Raven Isobel Plum
Throb by Alyanna Poe
Feast by August Quinn
Revenge is Mine by Paula R.C. Readman
Awaiting My Saviour by K. Wren Reeds
John Doe by K.W. Reeds
The Cure by Khana W. Reeds
Shopkeep by Rachel Reeves
Dinner by Kimberly Rei
Go Into STEM by N.S. Reiss
Bludgeon by Grace R. Reynolds
Last Meal by Guy Riessen
Whore Paint by Payton Riley
Loch Fest by Soren Ringh
Pret a Manger by Friday Roberts
ZoZo by Kenna Robins
Apartment 251 by Brian Rosenberger
We Came to Him by Gary Rubidge
Waiting for Santa by N.E. Rule
Tooth Fairy’s Revenge by Nancy Rule
Sycophants by Rich Rurshell
Scarecrow by Cassandra O’Sullivan Sachar
Harvest by Sabeen Sadiq
COVID Sausage by Mason Santiago
Stillness by Connor Sassmannshausen
Dreamland by Renee Schnebelin
Syn by Ronnie Scissom
Chamber by Matt Scott
Don’t Take Me Now by Oliver C. Seneca
Tempest in a Teacup by Seona Shaw
The Bay of the Blajini by Dean Shawker
Hungry Restraint by Quinn Shepherd
They Land by Sierra Silver
The Witch’s Heart by Stephanie Simmone
Show Time by Amber M. Simpson
Skinny Dipping by Kevin Singer
The Trials of Hunting by Declan Liam McKendrick
In Their Wake by Dorian J. Sinnott
The Forest Demon by Aria Sky
Silence is Golden by Rowan Skylar
Plastic by Ronnie Smart
Angel Lust by River South
Koschei’s Kurse by Angel Spencer
Time to Play by Sam Stephens
The Host by Matthew Stevens
From Gretel’s Watch by August van Stralen
Roxanne by Beckett Van Stralen
The Dog’s Dinner by Petina Strohmer
Your Nonbinary Nightmare by Jay Sykes
Hey Beautiful, Dance with Me by A.H. Syme
Still Afraid by Joshua D. Taylor
The Procrastinator by Ben Thomas
The Maddening Sound by Alec Thompson
Graveyard by B.J. Thrower
Unexpected by Karen Thrower
Widower’s Wife by Kendal Tomson
Darkness by Kateri Tough
Bug Translator by P.R. Tough
Red Red Wine by S.J. Townend
Hells Bells by Tom Trussel
Congeries by D.J. Tyrer
Fun Memories by Benjamin Kurt Unsworth
Fresh Meat by Wondra Vanian
This Wretched Soul by Eddy Vegas
Linguistic Conservation by Bernardo Villela
My Money’s No Good There by Susan Vita
Succulent by Alison Waddy
The Great One by Sophie Wagner
Nothing is for Nothing by Angie Wallace
A Promised Soul by Matthew Wallace
Into the Deep by John Ward
Come to Me by L.T. Ward
Suffer the Little Children by Kennedi Waters
Shrubs by K.J. Watson
The List by Charles Welch
Just Out for Some Air by Dani West
Gorge by John West
Seeking Asylum by Mariya West
Return of the Scimitar by Clint White
Selena the Sorceress by Fred White
A Day at the Sea Park by Sheri White
1,000 Cuts by G. Allen Wilbanks
Terms of Service by Jade Wildy
Pentanatos by Jacek Wilkos
He Came by Lauren Winter
Sweet as Could Be by Patrick Winters
Dental Work by Gus Wood
The Midnight Circus by Sheldon Woodbury
Wished I’d Stayed Home by Jonathan Worlde
Food Photography Advice by K. Wreeds
Azazel’s Heart by Ann Wycoff
The Picnic by April Yates
Well Done by Pauline Yates
Beyond the Door by Collin Yeoh
Spelunking by Tyler York
Bloody Hell by Louise Zedda-Sampson
Deathly Voyage by Zedonk