Preyed Upon

by Evan Baughfman

Days ago, the alien Hunter sent a distress call to his homeworld, but his plea remains unanswered. Crash landing in this terrain—a harrowing ordeal.

The Amazon’s endless heat and humidity overwhelm the Hunter’s vision, his thermal imaging. Panicking through an unwelcoming environment, he stumbles across cold-blooded foes. Vipers. Anacondas. Caimans.

Retreating from aquatic reptiles leads to painful encounters with piranhas and a bull shark.

The alien’s invisibility tech can’t hide him from mosquitoes. They’re addicted to his neon-green ichor.

Feverish, woozy, the Hunter sobs. Prays.


Plummets from a tree branch perch, again crashing to earth.

Stupid, inhospitable Earth…

Evan Baughfman

Evan Baughfman is a middle school teacher and author. Much of his writing success has been as a playwright. A number of his scripts can be found at online resources, Drama Notebook and New Play Exchange. Evan also writes horror fiction and screenplays.





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