Step into a future where humanity and machinery merge, blurring the lines between flesh and metal. In this electrifying anthology, discover the lives of cyborgs grappling with their dual existence, caught between the pulse of a human heart and the precision of a digital mind. Navigate a world of technological marvels and existential dilemmas, where identity and autonomy are constantly tested.
500-word fiction from international authors.
A.H. Syme |
Andrew Kurtz |
Blaise Langlois |
Blen Mesfin |
Eric Fomley |
Hari Navarro |
J.D. Doolan |
Jess Chua |
Kimberly Rei |
Lamont A. Turner |
Maggie D. Brace |
Mark Cowling |
Michael Anthony Dioguardi |
N.E. Rule |
R.S. Nevil |
Rachel L. Tilley |
Rob D. Smith |
S. Jade Path |
S.O. Green |
Scott McGregor |
Stephen Johnson |
Steven Lord |
Tim Law |
Tim Law |
Trevor Jess |