Into Every Life Falls a Little Rain, Dear

by Steven Holding


‘Tis goodwill season and the Devil’s fuming.

Despite different addresses (one red-hot, another ice cold), post destined for the pole keeps appearing. Incorrect grammar’s the reason: lists from mixed-up kids who can’t spell S-A-N-T-A. Both wear red, keep company with knee-high entities, but there the similarities end.

Sickened, Old Nick’s quick to teach Saint Nick a lesson: Christmas isn’t white, but crimson.

Come the twenty-fifth, he’s found the sleigh, sniggering, “Naughty or nice, everyone’s due a surprise. Something shocking in their stocking—not Jingle bells, but Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!”

Hidden in Santa’s bed—nine severed reindeer heads.

Steven Holding

Steven Holding lives in the United Kingdom. Most recently, his work has appeared in HENSHAW FOUR from Henshawpress and HALLOWEEN FRIGHTS from Black Ink Fiction. You can follow his work at