Anniversary of the Mask Murders

Anniversary of the Mask Murders

by Joshua D. Taylor


Chris and Sara stared at the abandoned and dilapidated monster mask factory.  The windows were shattered and forgotten police tape flapped in the chilly October breeze.

“I can’t believe twenty-three people were stabbed to death here last Halloween,” Chris said.

“I know, and that masked maniac is still out there somewhere.  Just waiting.”

“The police think it’s someone from town.  It could be someone we know.”

“Maybe.  You should have seen this place, all over covered in blood.”

“What do you mean?  You weren’t there.”

“Wasn’t I?” Sara asked, plunging a knife into Chris’s throat then pulling on her mask.


Joshua D. Taylor

Joshua D. Taylor is an author from Southeastern Pennsylvania who never stopped playing make-believe.  He lives with his wife and a one-eared cat. He loves to mix-n-match things from different genres and story elements to achieve a madcap hodgepodge of the truly unexpected.