Entries by Black Hare Press

Hari Navarro

Hari Navarro has, for many years now, been locked in his neighbour’s cellar. He survives due to an intravenous feed of puréed extreme horror and Absinthe-infused sticky-spiced unicorn wings.

The Dream Merchant by Joel R. Hunt

The dream merchant couldn’t complain; business had never been better. Everyone knew he supplied only the richest and sweetest of dreams. What fewer customers realised was that stocks had been running low for months. He had started using his own dreams to keep up with demand. As he refilled the empty storeroom, his daughter ran […]

The Kid-napper by Stuart Conover

Josh never thought that he would be a kid-napper. Yet when properly motivated, he’d do anything. They knew just how to manipulate him. No one really believed that it was a Satanic cult that lived at the edge of town. Now he knew better. The authorities didn’t seem to believe him that they had taken […]

Cindy O’Quinn

Cindy O’Quinn is an Appalachian writer who grew up in the mountains of West Virginia.

In 2016 Cindy, along with her husband and sons, made the move from Virginia to the northern woods of Maine and started homesteading.

Shawn M. Klimek

SHAWN M. KLIMEK is the author of more than 200 published poems and short stories in several genres. As of June 2021, he is featured in 25 BHP publications and accepted in 10 more.

Jodi Jensen

Jodi Jensen grew up moving from California, to Massachusetts, and a few other places in between, before finally settling in Utah at the ripe old age of nine. The nomadic life fed her sense of adventure as a child and the wanderlust continues to this day. With a passion for old cemeteries, historical buildings and sweeping sagas of days gone by, it was only natural she’d dream of time traveling to all the places that sparked her imagination.

G. Allen Wilbanks

G. Allen Wilbanks is a retired police officer living in Northern California. For twenty-five years he wrote collision and crime reports during the day to pay the bills, and he wrote short fiction during his off-time to stay sane. He recently retired from real life to devote his full attention to fantasy.

Aiki Flinthart

Aiki Flinthart has 11 published speculative fiction novels, including the popular YA series, 80AD, the urban fantasy Shadows trilogy, and the science-fantasy trilogy The Kalima Chronicles.


A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.