Entries by Shawna Rowan

Blended Family

by Scott O’Neill I awaken to paralysis. Blinding lights. Hospital smells. I vaguely recall feeling dizzy at Mom’s wedding reception. “You’re conscious.” My new stepfather glides into view, wearing blood-spattered scrubs and a lunatic grin. “Observe.” He tilts my head right. I see my new stepbrother, Caleb, unconscious on a gurney. Gleaming surgical staples circumscribe […]


by Penny Durham The king greeted us more like old friends than envoys from his enemy. “You are weary! Rest. Tomorrow we’ll talk.” Rada turned her blue eyes on me as we parted, led to our separate quarters, where fire and wine waited. I slept too long. Rising in panic, I was taken to the […]

Bone Music

by Don Money The humidity of the Arkansas summer drenched Dr Parnum as he hiked down alone into the isolated valley. The tall cairn of rocks marking the entrance to the valley matched the description in the Quapaw stories he’d studied. Ten years of research finally led him to the location of the legend of […]

Coochie Coo

by Patrick Campbell “What a cutie-pie,” said the lady from the flat below, squeezing their newborn’s adorable thigh rolls. “I could just eat him up.” They became friendly with her. After eight months of being held hostage by their bundle of joy, they desperately needed an evening out and asked her to babysit. She was […]

Ask and You Shall Receive

by Nerisha Kemraj A loud rumble shakes Noah awake. Third day without food, he wouldn’t last another night. He crawls on the floor, weak arms struggling to hold his sign, even though the rush of feet threatens to trample him. A sudden boom erupts… He watches as the pedestrian collides with the speeding train. Within […]

Final Comfort

by Jeff Currier Desperate for food, Basil and Chloe risked an already looted grocery. A scavenger band ambushed them. Consciousness fading, Chloe never expected to reawaken. *** The leader’s matronly voice penetrated Chloe’s resurrecting awareness. “Your husband claims you’re a doctor.” Chloe nodded, though the Collapse had cut medical school short. The woman proffered a […]

Fallout Shelter Day 198

by Nina Miller Tori awoke, missing a thumb. A skeletonised stump jutted out from her palm. Phantom pains pulsed. She sucked the nubbin, and its coppery tang activated her taste buds. She got out of bed. Empty cans rattled around her feet like bones. No food remained. Vermin had fled. Tori’s roach jar was empty. […]

Extreme Cooking Elimination Challenge

by Chris Clemens I’ve been here before. Chloroformed. Abducted. Shivering in a mystery kitchen, somewhere without extradition laws. Chopping peppers with shaky hands. Serving up inventive dishes using shark steak, canned cat food, polystyrene bricks. Watched by millions on encrypted livestream, probably because the losing chef gets beheaded. Finals. Blindfold off. It’s infamous Chef Miko, […]

Who’s Got the Brains Now

by C.L. Sidell Damien sets the bell curve—gets A-pluses on exams, wins first place for science fair projects. “Why couldn’t you have got your brother’s brains?” That’s a good question. One that I ponder for days. I know siblings—even identical twins—inherit different traits from each parent. Maybe… I conduct my own experiment. When our parents […]


by Scott O’Neill “Stupid goose,” said the witch. “The opening is big enough. See, I myself could get in.” She stuck her head into the oven. Gretel shoved the witch and slammed the door. The witch howled frightfully. Finally, all was still. Gretel started towards Hansel’s cage, then stopped. The smell of roasted witch had […]