Entries by Shawna Rowan

Stuck to the Truck

by Juliann Wetz “Skunk!” Chuck raced into a nearby pond to wash off the stench. The January water was icy. Chuck scrubbed himself vigorously, then emerged from the water to discover that his keys had fallen out of his pocket. Chuck ran to the edge of the pond, but it was no use; those keys […]

Sharp Objects

by C.L. Sidell “Mikey! What have I told you about running with sharp objects?” “Sorry,” Mikey replied. Jesse swiped the scissors from Mikey’s pudgy fist and turned. “And stop chasing your brother around the house.” Jesse rolled his eyes as he stepped towards the kitchen. “I don’t get paid enough for this gig,” he muttered. […]

Oxygen Sceptic

by Chris McGrane “Scientists and the lame-stream media don’t want you to know this, but humans can live without oxygen.” “We’ve been brainwashed into thinking we need it, so Big Pharma can sell us overpriced air purifiers. So the international banking syndicates can deindustrialise the West by destroying the logging industry, the mining industry and […]

Lawnmower Surfin’, USA

by Scott O’Neill The TurfPredator 9000 riding lawnmower stalled out against the trailer park’s lone palm tree, most of a six-pack wedging its accelerator down. A grisly trail of mulched Florida man glistened redly behind the big mower. Assorted trailer park denizens with deep tans and hyphenated names gawped and gossiped. “Poor Billy-Bob.” “What happened?” […]

Hello There!

by Odi Welter Welcome to Hell! Can I just get your name and method of death? You weren’t aware you were dead? I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but I really do need that information for our records. You see, upper management loves their numbers. No worries, I can look you up. […]

Fin Friends Petting Zoo

by Don Money The idea, the man at the bank said, was a terrible one. Wesley didn’t appreciate the lack of vision the loan officer saw in his project. People loved farm petting zoos; this would be even better, a shark petting zoo. Without the bank, he would need to look for private investors. The […]

The Measure of a Man is What He Does When Drunk

by Paul Lewthwaite “I’m more of a man than you!” Eddie said, slurring his words. Mike dropped his bottle of moonshine. “C’mon then, prove it. Grab that chainsaw, or are you chicken?” Eddie yanked the starter cord. The motor roared into life, spewing fumes. The blade wobbled as it plunged downward, severing his left forefoot. […]

Don’t Feed the Bears

by Zack Zagranis Jason winced as he ripped off his shirt and wound it around the bloody stump that used to be his right hand. Don’t feed the bears. He had always thought of it as a suggestion like “Don’t feed the bears…unless you want them begging for food constantly.” He looked down at his […]

A Friday Night in Texas

by Matt Krizan Darren ambled along the driveway toward the old, run-down farmhouse. From the branches of a nearby tree, chains dangled, meat hooks at the end clinking in the breeze. “What odd wind chimes,” Darren mused. Then, eyeing the dark splotches staining the ground underneath, “I wonder what spilled.” The front door opened and […]


by Sean MacKendrick Drifting flickers of lights greeted the campers as dusk settled over them. The tiny fireflies pulsed and danced through the air like sparks from the small campfire. Or like the twinkling stars above. A thousand additional lights flared into existence, in one giant bloom. Another ten thousand joined those. Laughter and conversation […]