Entries by Shawna Rowan

The Devil’s Breath

by Pauline Yates   Tossed onto a reef by a rogue wave, our pirate ship shudders, and a sickening crunch sounds our death knell. Salt burns my lungs when I gulp water, not air, then I’m back on board with my crew, peering through fog that reeks of sulphur. “What’s that smell?” “The Devil’s breath,” […]

From the Deep

by Michael Stroh   I wake, vomiting seawater. I’m shivering and clutching soggy driftwood that’s barely keeping me afloat. A piece of our ship, I realise. I see nothing but empty, uncharted ocean. And bits of debris bobbing indifferently. What happened? A storm? It returns in flashes. The Catalina rocking, splintering. Harpoons hurtling. Tentacles reaching. […]

Dream Job by Pauline Yates

As Charles delves deeper into his role at the remote wheat station, he uncovers the truth behind the high employee turnover and the grim fate that awaits him.

Eye of a Needle by Jessica Lynn

Eva Mae’s extraordinary gift challenges the boundaries of life and death. Set against the 1930s Depression-era backdrop, this tale of hope and spiritual awakening will captivate anyone intrigued by the supernatural.

Chasing a Cure by Gabby Gilliam

After her exile from Tomsk, Bree is joined by Tyler and Carly on the road out of the city. Together, the children travel toward Moscow, hoping to find someone who will listen to them about the newfound cure.