Entries by Shawna Rowan

Dear Santa

by James Rumpel   Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Papa says I have been a wonderful helper. He says I am great bait and that I am getting strong enough that I will soon be able to help with the cutting. For Christmas, I would like my own knives and […]


by Don Money   Of the thirteen Yule Lads, Ketrokur was the most feared. While his brothers were known to slam doors, lick spoons, and other trivial inconveniences, Ketrokur lived up to his nickname, Meat Hook. When he came down from the mountains, the Icelandic night was bathed in blood. Doors torn from their hinges, […]

Merry Crashed-Mass

by Shawn M. Klimek   Day 11: So cold. The smoking, skeletal remains of the crashed sleigh are poor shelter. Yet, to be more easily spotted by a search plane, I have resisted wandering. I am now convinced of sabotage. I wrack my brain for suspects, but fumes from the plastic toys burned for heat […]

Slaybells Ring

by Dawn DeBraal The blackened finger of evil rolled down the elf’s face, leaving a trail of blood behind it. “Where’s the fat man?” “My loyalty is to Kris Kringle.” “You stupid imp, I am Kris Kringle.” “Then you should know where you work!” The demon recoiled at such bravery. The spirit disposed of the […]

Pony for Christmas

by Pauline Yates   My “ho’s” change to groans as I play the shopping mall Santa—my wife arrives with our granddaughter, Ester, and home-baked cookies for my tea break. I love Ester, but the cookies taste funny and belong in the bin. Ester clambers onto my lap. “What would you like for Christmas?” I ask. […]

You Better Watch Out

by Matt Krizan   This year, when Santa crept down the chimney, Caroline was waiting. She hid behind the tree, delighted to see Santa go straight for the milk and cookies she’d left. As he munched away, Caroline tip-toed up behind him, quiet as a mouse… …and smacked him across the head with a baseball […]

Christmas Cards

by Sheri White   My parents own a business, so we get a lot of Christmas cards with family photos on the front. You know, everyone in matching pyjamas, even the dog (okay, the dog’s cute). I hate them. Several years ago, I noticed a distorted face on a card. I thought nothing of it, […]

Resembling a Mother

by Angela Zimmerman   The change happened quickly. Monday, Mother started screaming the last word of her sentences. By Wednesday, Caleb found Mother standing in the kitchen with a knife pressed against the puppy’s throat. Even though Mother received the latest updates, Caleb could see that Mother’s biometrics were failing. Failing biometrics resulted in unstable […]


by Kimberly Rei   The light, lithe figure moved through the crime scene quietly, without disturbing evidence. Her team watched her. She didn’t fit in. She looked too human. Or not human enough. She made them nervous and they hated her for it. She crouched, eyes flickering to take in the body. She reached for […]


by Jessica Brook Johnson   Penny was checking her phone’s texts as her smart car cruised along the highway. There was a high-pitched ding followed by a message from HotBoi752. “I’m tired of being ignored. I deserve better.” She rolled her eyes. “AI dating? What was I thinking?” The car began to accelerate. “What the […]