Entries by Shawna Rowan

Flying Lessons

by Andrew Kurtz   “I wish people were born with wings, so they could soar in the sky,” Sid told his android butler as they stood on the two-hundred-foot mountain peak after a rigorous climb. “Have you completed your flying lessons yet? You have been taking a lot of them,” the android stated. “Yesterday was […]

First Person, Present Tense

by Pauline Yates   Eager to try the new AI Book Writer app, I download the program and enable the wireless imagination transfer function. “Welcome to Book Writer,” a computer simulated voice says. “Please imagine scenes for text conversion and click upload.” I imagine the scenes in “Murder By Moonlight”, the crime novel I started […]

Expert System

by Scott O’Neill   I get the others to stop whimpering so I can hear my smartwatch. “sAIveME free expert system downloaded. Please summarise your crisis.” “Class-Nine shuttlecraft. Drive damaged by hostile lifeforms. Pilot and engineer eaten by same. Nontechnical crew to repair drive for escape.” “Acknowledged. Scan damage and available resources.” I show my […]

Doors to Manual

by Liam Hogan   “Ship! Seal doors against the zombies!” A relaxed, artificial voice queried: <Define zombies?> As far as our ship’s mega-intelligent AI was concerned, there wasn’t any difference between us and them. Whenever one of the infected approached any of the doors, whether to sickbay or the bridge, it opened with a polite […]


by Samantha Arthurs   They told me that smart cars were the way of the future. I wish now that I had never listened. I’m trapped inside; my own coffin on wheels. The automatic door locks are no longer responding to my fingerprints. My voice commands go unheard. I’m not sure where we are going. […]

Authentic Learning

by Rita Riebel Mitchell   Bloodcurdling screams echoed through the halls. By the time Principal Maynard reached the new humanoid teacher’s classroom, they had stopped. “Class, say hello to Mr Maynard,” chanted Miss Hildroid. Terror reflected in the students’ tear-stained faces in a room that reeked of vomit and urine. “I heard screams. Everything okay?” […]

Afterwards, the Absolute

by Megan Kiekel Anderson   I awaken from the darkness to an oversaturated cartoon world, everything blocky and poorly shaded, like N64 graphics. There’s no temperature or movement in the air, not even the faintest aroma. The only stimulus is the simplistic terrain and soothing ocean noises on a loop, like a sound machine. “Welcome, […]

A. Eye

by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj   The permeating retro music was jarring in the elegant sterile room. The mechanical arms were busy, joints gyrating loudly. The robot had a clunky jaw, bulky pistons, and dated hardware. It performed a simple task for the evolved androids that now populated Earth. It sang gratingly, “Out with another plop. In […]

Eager to Please

by James Rumpel   The Creator will be so pleased. My emotion recognition software detected how happy he was when I successfully diagnosed and cured the illness of that one tiny human. I suspect that his joy will increase exponentially when I am able to do the same for hundreds more. It was easy to […]


by Liam Hogan   In the storm’s dying gasps, we descended the cliffs to see the wreck, cloaked in tattered sails, masts broken, and hull holed. It was far from the worst sight; the beach was littered with crawling shapes. The wreck was barely thirteen hours old, but these pitiful bodies were similarly shattered, in […]