Entries by Shawna Rowan

Needs Breakfast

by Evan Baughfman Andy hasn’t eaten. Never a good idea. Empty belly means “hanger” consumes the best of him. In the company parking garage, Andy finds a freshly installed vending machine. He inserts a few coins. Pushes buttons. The machine whirs. Doesn’t drop the desired pastry. Cursing, Andy kicks, dents the machine. Shoulder-checks the contraption. […]

A Matter of Cleanliness

by Andreas Flögel When Peter called for the waiter, the anger in his voice was indisputable. He held a fork at the lower end, pointing it at the staff member. “I know this is no five-star establishment. Nevertheless, this is simply unacceptable. The cutlery is dirty.” The waiter leaned in to inspect the fork. “I […]

Flushed Frustration

by Jennifer Jorgensen Water sprayed the front of Alycia’s shirt as she pushed the plunger over and over, faster and faster. She was sick of her husband’s video game addiction. Her interruptions were annoying? She showed him what annoyance was. She hit the flusher. The bowl gurgled in defeat. Despite everything, she did need a […]

You All Sound the Same

by Scott O’Neill Buzzing fluorescent tubes fitfully illuminated the dank, cluttered hostel basement. “The washer’s munted.” Whirling and dropping laundry, the American girl gawped at Noah. “Jeez! You scared me! That accent… Australia?” Leaning against a red-spattered freezer, Noah grimaced. “New Zealand.” Her brow furrowed. “Not Australia?” “Decidedly not.” “Our exchange student had an Australian […]

Not Very Neighbourly

by Madeline Mora-Summonte The music, always so loud. Edna asks, begs, demands. The neighbours next door stare blankly, deny, close the door in her face. Fury scorches her. Then, the icy focus finds her. Happens every time. That night, Edna pads across the back lawn, hatchet in hand. She slashes, silences the stereo, radio, phone. […]

Cornered Cake Cutter

by Lauren Dennis Putting my fist through Valerie’s shit-eating grin is akin to feeding it into the office industrial shredder. Her teeth slice my skin, sending shards of enamel and flesh plopping into Susan’s coffee. The blood and icing-coated knife in Valerie’s shaking hand narrowly misses my cheek, allowing me to slam her skull against […]

Putting Yourself in Your Work

by Jonathan Tolstedt The contractor pointed out three places where nails I had driven into studs had broken through the sides of the noggins. Three nails out of how many thousands I had put into this house? He told me to fix them and went on about how he puts a part of himself into […]

Rule One

by Stephen Herczeg I can’t believe she did it again. Sixth time this week. Rule One: Always expect someone is leaving the elevator. Does she care? No. Every time the doors open, in she charges, regardless of whether you’re getting out or not. She’s like a virus. Others drawn by her stupidity follow her in […]

Total Immersion

by Kristin Lennox Doug’s head snapped forward as he woke with a snort; the greasy pizza box in his lap fell to the floor. He squinted at the sun streaming through the tiny basement windows: mid-afternoon? But what day? Doug cracked his neck and set his controller on the desk…or tried. The gamepad was stuck […]

Reality Bites

by Bridget Holland Gabby smacked her torch against the hydra’s severed neck. Flesh sizzled. The air stank. “Last head!” Luke called through the murk.  “Keep up!” As she lunged forward, a coil clamped onto her shoulder. She fell, swamp water closing over her head. Her health points flashed red. Blackness. *** Her mother, shaking her […]