It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas

by Simon Clarke


Christmas tomorrow, we need to make space for the family. They had planned a move to Australia; I blamed our son, Mary blamed the daughter-in-law. We would never see the grandchildren again. It wasn’t fair. We’d be just another lonely, miserable old couple despite all our years of help and support.

It’s funny how if you think about something long enough, anything is possible. So we prepared, went on an adult education course, “Taxidermy for the Family”. Anyway, I think we should get them out early this year, so they are sitting round the table when we get up tomorrow.

Simon Clarke

Simon Clarke lives and writes in Norfolk, United Kingdom. He enjoys writing poetry and fiction and has been published by Hedgehog Press, Black Hare Press, Fifty Word Stories and Breaking Rules Publishing. He regularly submits to UK and international publications and enjoys reading poetry at open mic events.

Facebook: @sclarkenp