Bloody Vowels
by Bernardo Villela
At the murder scene a phrase was scrawled upon the wall: “The ardoUr he’d felt for his former paramour had been extinguished. He knew rumoUrs would start, but he would not let it coloUr his world.”
The words were written in permanent marker, save for the capitalised U’s which were written in blood.
There was a gibbering man in the corner. Papers with red pencil marks all over them were strewn about leading to a corpse.
The police approached him tentatively.
“Sir?” one of the officers ventured.
“I snapped. I couldn’t stand it!”
“He refused to spell words properly!”
Bernardo Villela
Bernardo Villela has short fiction included in periodicals such as LatineLit and in anthologies such as There’s More of Us Than You Know. He’s had original poetry published by Exist Otherwise among others and translations published by AzonaL and Red Fern Review. You can find some of his other works here: