Brew for Two

by Clint Foster


The thing about potions is, it doesn’t matter who makes them or what their intention is.

A drop of jellied brain, a twist of peeled tongue, some blood flakes. You stir them all together in a cauldron—whatever brand you choose, it’s not that important—and bring it to what we like to call a witch’s boil. You’ll know when it gets hot enough, trust me, and if you don’t figure it out in time, well, it won’t matter anyway. A quick stir, a tiny, tiny sip. Ahh. Brew for two.

Grab a mug, please. Me? Oh, I’m not thirsty.


Clint Foster

Clint Foster lives in southern Iowa with his wonderful wife, Nik, and their herd of four cats. He has published dozens of short stories, as well as a novel and an epic poem.