Woeful Distortion
by Evan Baughfman
In the funhouse mirror, Paul looked ridiculously out of proportion—legs stubby, torso stretched out like taffy. His arms were disjointed giraffe limbs, impossibly long and spindly.
“Disgusting,” Paul spat.
He modelled for local shops. Usually, mirrors were his friends.
His distorted reflection grinned huge teeth, even as Paul grimaced.
He lifted a middle finger. Realised it had actually become a horribly elongated digit.
His hands! They resembled pale, upturned spider crabs!
Paul stumbled away from the mirror on abridged femurs, tiny feet. His cavernous mouth sobbed atop a now-wobbly upper body.
Outside, Paul was recruited for the carnival’s sideshow.
Evan Baughfman
Evan Baughfman is a middle school teacher and author. Much of his writing success has been as a playwright. A number of his scripts can be found at online resources, Drama Notebook and New Play Exchange. Evan also writes horror fiction and screenplays.