The Harikikigaki Has the Answer

by Kelly Matsuura


A weak pulse, lethargy, and fainting spells—Dr Yamata knew his wife was infected by a yōkai parasite. But which one?

“We shouldn’t have gone camping,” he mumbled, searching for his copy of The Harikikigaki, an ancient acupuncture text.

Later, he found Chiho unconscious in their backyard. As he desperately tried CPR, a tiny red-and-white horse escaped Chiho’s mouth with her final breath.

The doctor hadn’t found the textbook, but the umakan was unmistakable.

With a soft whinny, it flew next door, where the neighbour was burning leaves.

Dr Yamata would be seeing Mr Enami at his clinic very soon.


 Kelly Matsuura

Kelly Matsuura writes diverse YA, fantasy, and literary fiction.
She is the creator of The Insignia Series anthologies (Asian fantasy themed) and has had stories published with Ink & Locket Press, A Murder of Storytellers, Black Hare Press, Harbinger Press, and many more.

The Pirate’s Jewel

by Andrew Kurtz


Max listened as the freak show owner addressed the crowd. “In this coffin are the remains of the blood-thirsty pirate, Orange Beard, who removed the hearts of his victims.”

Inside was a skeleton with a shredded black eye patch and a bright red jewel in its ribcage.

“The jewel is said to be cursed,” the owner warned.

After the freak show closed, Max snuck back into the tent, but when he lifted the coffin lid, he emitted a bone-chilling scream.

When the owner opened the coffin during the next show, there was a human heart nestled next to the jewel.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and ultraviolent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies. Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, and Edgar Allan Poe.


Freeflint’s Final Escape

by Chris Hewitt


Hanging is too good for him, the Governor had declared. Decency demanded justice and an example.

Forgoing the execution, they’d clapped Freeflint in irons and hung him naked from the dockside gibbet for all to witness.

You shan’t escape this time, promised the Governor, placing guards on watch.

Freeflint lasted an agonising week before succumbing to dehydration and the elements. Not that death prevented his last escape. The sun might have taken the Pirate Captain’s skin and the seagulls his eyes, but his loyal crew claimed the rest, one pound of flesh at a time, as each paid their final respects.



Chris Hewitt

Chris resides in the beautiful garden of England, Kent, UK, and in the odd moments that he isn’t dog walking, he pursues his passion for all things horror, fantasy, and science fiction.


The Red Fleet

by R.A. Goli


The pirates spilled from the docks and into the village. They were after food, silk, and animal hides. Women, too.

Elizabeth ran back to her cottage, remembering the rough hands of the man who’d used her for his pleasure last time.

She released her familiars. By nightfall, a hundred rats invaded the ship and hid until the pirates set sail. Then they attacked.

These rats carried a disease new to these men. Soon their gums would bleed and teeth would fall out. Their bones would become brittle and pustules would burst from their skin.

The Red Fleet would never return.


R.A. Goli

R.A. Goli is an Australian writer of horror, fantasy, and speculative short stories, who enjoys reading, the occasional cemetery walk, and annoying her dog, two cats, and husband.

Check out her numerous publications including a fantasy novella and collection of short stories at or stalk her on Facebook @RAGoliAuthor.

On a Ship, a Black Freighter

by Joachim Heijndermans


We be a happy crew once. There was rum, spoils, and women. So many women, all who stopped struggling once the cutlass touched their necks.

We shouldn’t have taken her. If we’d known what she’d truly been. Not a lass, but

Now we sail. We sail on this demon of a ship. She claws at us as we hoist the sails. Teeth that rip our souls apart.

We sail on this ship, a black freighter. We raid, but there be no joy. Only the pain we inflict, tripled on ourselves.

Lord have mercy. But He can’t see us no longer.


Joachim Heijndermans

Joachim Heijndermans writes, draws, and paints nearly every waking hour. Originally from the Netherlands, he’s been all over the world, boring people by spouting random trivia. His work has been featured in a number of anthologies and publications, such as Mad Scientist Journal, Asymmetry Fiction, Hinnom Magazine, Ahoy Comics’ Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror, Metaphorosis, and The Gallery of Curiosities, and he’s currently in the midst of completing his first children’s book. You can check out his other works at or follow him on Twitter: @jheijndermans.

Vindictive Waters

by Ali House


The attack was swift and merciless. By the time the crew noticed the Jolly Roger, it was too late. Pirates swarmed the shipsharp blades in their hands and murder in their eyes. Soon the entire crew lay dead on the blood-soaked deck.

The unmanned ship was left adrift, with nobody to guide it. But as the moon ascended, the spirits of the dead began to rise.

It was rumoured that pirates felt no fear, but they’d always been the hunter, never the hunted. As the ghostly crew manned their stations, they swore never to rest until they’d tasted revenge.


Ali House

Ali House currently resides in Nova Scotia, Canada, surrounded by overflowing bookshelves and unfinished stories. Her novels include The Six Elemental, The Fifth Queen, and The Lightbulb Forest (Engen Books). Her words can be found in Apocalypse, Love, Hate, Oceans, and Pride (Black Hare Press). Find her thoughts at


by Patrick Winters


They’d plucked him from the sea one evening, lashed to a barrel and floating along, unconscious. Once he’d stirred, he gave his name as Jonah, of all things. The men wanted to cast him back to the waves that instant; the captain ignored their superstitions.

The ailment swept over them soon after, swift and horrendous, claiming them amidst their screams and choked prayers.

Those who hadn’t been buried at sea now lay on the decks, gone from this world and left to rot.

And Jonah, having taken the helm, guided the ship along, singing shanties and sailing for dark waters.


Patrick Winters

Patrick Winters is a graduate of Illinois College in Jacksonville, IL, where he earned a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. He has been published in the likes of Sanitarium Magazine, Deadman’s Tome, Trysts of Fate, and other such titles. A full list of his previous publications may be found at his author’s site if you are so inclined to know:

The Greatest Treasure

by Nerisha Kemraj


John Smith’s greedy eyes beheld the moss-covered chest.

There it lay before him.

A lifetime of searching, and endless, near-death battles, brought down to this single moment.

Word of King Ragnar’s lost treasure had travelled the world for centuries, and now here it was, his to own.

I am now the richest pirate in the world! he said, opening the chest to reveal his treasure.

But there was no gold.

No title deeds.

Jars of embalmed hearts filled the chest.

Here holds the greatest treasure anyone could ever own: that of my family.

The pirate’s haggard face twisted in rage.


Nerisha Kemraj

Nerisha Kemraj resides in Durban, South Africa, with her husband and two mischievous daughters. While poetry has been a love since high school, she began writing short stories in 2016. A lover of dark fiction, she has over 100 short stories and poems published in various publications, both print and online. She has also received an Honourable Mention Award for her tanka in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest. Nerisha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of South Africa.
For published work:
Visit her Facebook page: Nerishakemrajwriter

The Key to Keeping a Secret

by David Green


“At last,” Bode cried. “The Fountain of Youth!”

Captain Kenway nodded at his first mate, letting him step forward. They’d sailed for decades before hearing whispers of Bimini, and the fountain’s location.

“Aye,” Kenway said, drawing his flintlock pistol, aiming at the back of Bode’s head. “Everlasting life. A secret I won’t share with anyone.”

The blast echoed through the caves.

Stooping, Kenway cupped his hands and drank from the Fountain of Youth.

The lined, tanned skin on his hands melted as his blood burned, turning Kenway’s bones to ash.

Dust swirled in the air where the Captain once stood.


David Green

David Green is a writer based in Co Galway, Ireland. Growing up between there and Manchester, UK, meant David rarely saw sunlight in his childhood, which has no doubt had an effect on his dark writings. He has been published in places such as Black Hare Press, Nocturnal Sirens, and Eerie River Publishing.

Captain Purge’s Collection of Oddities

by Kelly Matsuura


“Kanami, darlin’, you’ll finally be whole.” Captain Purge tapped his boot on the slime-covered trunk with glee.

Kanami’s head floated forward, her ratty hair brushing the trunk’s exterior as she gave it a fervent sniff.

Purge shuddered. Once an enchanting princess, Kanami was now a curse to the ship. He never expected the beheaded yōkai to age rapidly without her body nearby—nor that she’d feed on the flesh of his men.

There was only one solution.

Opening the empty trunk, he shoved Kanami in and slammed the lid shut.

“Toss ‘er back overboard.” He was truly done collecting oddities.


Kelly Matsuura

Kelly Matsuura writes diverse YA, fantasy, and literary fiction. She is the creator of The Insignia Series anthologies (Asian fantasy themed) and has had stories published with Ink & Locket Press, A Murder of Storytellers, Black Hare Press, Harbinger Press, and many more.
