Drumming for the Dead

Author: Gabby Gilliam
Series: Dystopia
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Suspense, Dystopian
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2023
eBook List Price: USD 2.99
Paperback List Price: USD 13.99

After her exile from Tomsk, Bree is joined by Tyler and Carly on the road out of the city.

Together, the children travel toward Moscow, hoping to find someone who will listen to them about the newfound cure.

Tyler’s cure is only partially effective. It will kill husks, but he isn’t sure if it can cure someone infected with the parasites before they become a husk.

Moscow’s leader, Aleksandr, doesn’t want to wait to find out. He injects Carly with parasites to motivate Tyler into creating a viable cure.

With Moscow’s fully-stocked lab at his disposal, Tyler experiments all day with potential cures. Bree nurses Carly as best as she can, but Carly’s symptoms continue to worsen.

Every day it’s clearer that Tyler and Carly are both running out of time.

Dystopian horror from Gabby Gilliam.

Eldritch & Ether

Beautiful, heartfelt poetry from international poets

Trouble in Tomsk by Gabby Gilliam

An ancient parasite thaws from the permafrost, infecting its human hosts, and reducing them to mindless husks, attacking any living creature to create new parasitic hosts.

Chasing a Cure by Gabby Gilliam

After her exile from Tomsk, Bree is joined by Tyler and Carly on the road out of the city. Together, the children travel toward Moscow, hoping to find someone who will listen to them about the newfound cure.