Do You See?

by  Alden Terzo

Fluorescent light flickered across the cracked, stained walls. The bitter aroma of disinfectant tried and failed to mask the immutable stench of despair. Gary sat, restrained, across from Dr Franklin and another.

“Gary, this is Dr Guhya,” Dr Franklin said.

 “You’re not doctors!” Gary spit. “You’re aliens in disguise!”

 “We’re both aliens?” Dr Guhya asked.


“And the nurses and orderlies?”


“I see.” Behind her disguise, Dr Guhya’s reptilian mouth quivered and drooled with relief. She was the only Klazonian undercover at the facility. The human was delusional, not a seer.

The advance team for the invasion was safe.


Alden Terzo

When Alden Terzo isn’t reading, he’s often writing. Or procrastinating. There is usually coffee involved. Find him on Twitter @AmbassadorAlden