Dressed to Kill

by Pauline Yates


“Zip me up?”

Macy stands with her back to me wearing a new dress. The exotic fabric gives her curves like Sandra’s. Have I cheated on my wife for so long I’ve forgotten how alluring she can be?

I slide up the zipper but imagine unzipping Sandra’s dress and kissing the butterfly tattoo above her left breast.

Aroused, I kiss Macy’s neck. “When did you buy this?”

“I made it myself.” Turning around, she smoothes her hands over material so translucent she appears naked. “What do you think?”

My heart stops. Above a real left breast is a butterfly tattoo.

Pauline Yates

Pauline Yates enjoys finding the light in the dark, but sometimes she just can’t. And sometimes, she doesn’t want to. Links to her published stories can be found at https://paulineyates.com/