Fair Game

by Bridget Holland

Serafina hates working the Laughing Clowns. They talk inside her head.

A dolled-up blonde, jiggling beside her triumphant boyfriend, points to an oversize teddy bear.

“Clear Clown 3, Serafina,” Papi wheezes, hooking it down.

Her guts clench. How did that idiot get a ball into Clown 3’s tiny, mean mouth?

A cackle echoes in her skull. Come on, carnie girl! Crunchie lunchie…

She inhales, then scoops her forefinger lightning-quick between Clown 3’s lips. Teeth rip her skin. The ball pops out.

Her finger follows. Bone shows between bloodied shreds of flesh.

Clown 3 sniggers.

You got lucky, Serafina. This time…

Bridget Holland

Bridget’s a reader, dreamer and writer living in Australia and in her imagination.