Flames of Betrayal

by Paula R.C. Readman


Martha fed more sticks to the fire. Soon the cauldron bubbled.

She took a deep breath and began to chant. She had to get it right.

First, she added rosemary for remembrance and lavender for love.

Would he appear before her as the old witch had promised?

As the two aromas filled the air, Martha opened her eyes.

Joseph stood there.  All smiles and strong in a foggy haze.

How she wanted him, her only true love.

Through the mist another appeared. Joseph wrapped his arms around her.

To the cauldron, Martha added hemlock, cursing him until his dying day.

R.C. Readman

Paula R.C. Readman learnt ‘How to Write’ from books which her husband purchased from eBay. Now a published author of The Funeral Birds, Stone Angels and a collection of short stories Days Pass Like A Shadow.