G. Allen Wilbanks is a retired police officer living in Northern California. For twenty-five years he wrote collision and crime reports during the day to pay the bills, and he wrote short fiction during his off-time to stay sane. He recently retired from real life to devote his full attention to fantasy.

He has published two short story collections (Not for Bedtime Stories, and 13 Rooms), and the novel, When Darkness Comes. His short stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Deep Magic, The Talisman and a variety of other magazines and anthologies as well as, of course, several publications with Black Hare Press.

For more information about G. Allen, please visit his website, linked below.

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Protection Racket

by G. Allen Wilbanks   “Grandma, why do you put milk out at night?” The old woman placed the shallow bowl on the windowsill and pushed the window open a few inches. “It’s for the pixies, dear. When they find a bowl of milk, they know we’re friendly, so they won’t come inside or do […]



The Cautious Predator

by G. Allen Wilbanks   These children have no appreciation for the subtlety of the old ways. They flaunt what they are for the whole world to see, confident in their invulnerability. Books and movies make them bold. Humans love vampires for the moment. Revere them. Want to be them. But that will change. It […]


by G. Allen Wilbanks   Morty loved decorating for Halloween. He was especially proud of the graveyard display he erected on his front lawn every year. Marble headstones, skeletons, body parts and decomposing corpses covered his yard every October 31st. Kids and adults came from miles around to admire his handywork and ask him how […]

G. Allen Wilbanks

G. Allen Wilbanks is a retired police officer living in Northern California. For twenty-five years he wrote collision and crime reports during the day to pay the bills, and he wrote short fiction during his off-time to stay sane. He recently retired from real life to devote his full attention to fantasy.

They by G. Allen Wilbanks

I do not know what They are. I don’t know where They came from. All I know for certain is They appeared in the house about six weeks after Amy and I moved in.

Spiritus ex Machina by G. Allen Wilbanks

Alexander Devin’s life is about to change. Pulled from the edge of death, he wakes to find his mind has been preserved in a new body, a mechanical body that will never know pain, illness, or old age. But it is much more than that.

We Who Sleep by G. Allen Wilbanks

Alexander Devin’s life is about to change. Pulled from the edge of death, he wakes to find his mind has been preserved in a new body, a mechanical body that will never know pain, illness, or old age. But it is much more than that.