Love Santa

by Kimberly Rei


The first gift arrived by courier. The note simply read, “Your Secret Santa is eager to meet you.”
The second gift was waiting at home the next day, hanging from the door knob. He stared at it for too long before dialing the police. They took the bloody offering, and told him to lock his doors.
The third gift sent him into hiding at the French Hen Inn on the coast, far away.
The fourth day, his phone rang.
“My true love…” A whisper, the voice long forgotten.
The maid found him clutching the phone. Fright, the obituary would read.


Kimberly Rei

Kim has taught writing workshops and edited novels for Authors You May Recognize. She has three published short stories and has become a greedy beast, hungry for more. 
She currently lives in Tampa Bay, Florida with her beautiful, supportive wife and an abundance of gorgeous beaches to explore.