
by Paul J Scribbans


“Harry! You promised Dad!”

“I won’t shoot, I’m just using the scope.”

Charlotte glanced uneasily at her older brother. She’d learnt the hard way to obey her parents; Harry wasn’t. Her mother told Charlotte to be quiet last year. She disobeyed and her mom died terribly.

In the gorge below their father was stalking a zombie; machete ready to cleave its skull.

“I reckon I could take it!”

“No, Harry!”

It was too late. The shot shattered the silence. Their father’s knee exploded, and he went down screaming. The children watched in horror as the zombie devoured their incapacitated father.

Paul J Scribbans

Paul J Scribbans is a writer who has lived his entire life in the Lake District, UK. His working background is in Information Technology and he didn’t start writing seriously until his early forties. Apart from writing, he enjoys reading and absorbing himself in the local countryside with hobbies such as trail running and hiking. His genres are Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror which adopt strong environmental and survival themes.