OPEN NOW (See Theme: PUNK for close details)
See Theme: PUNK tab for more information about this theme.
Novellas – 20,000 to 40,000 wordcount
Novella series are always a possibility, though we’re not looking for them in this call.
Author compensation will be in the form of;
- $100 USD advance
- 60% share of book royalties
- 80% share of merchandise royalties.
Co-authored submissions welcome.
Stage 1 – First chapter only due within the submission window, along with a synopsis and rough plot outline and your short bio (for our use only, not for publication). Make it good, make us hungry to see more. Please allow 4 weeks from closing date for a response.
Stage 2 – Those successful in stage 1 will be invited to submit their completed manuscript (and their full bio) within 12 weeks. This full manuscript will go to our read team. Successful authors from stage 2 will be invited to sign contracts with us. Please allow 12 weeks from closing date for a response.