Piracy in Practice
by Keech Ballard
The hardest part of leading a pirate crew is not the danger. Nor the violence. Nor the uncertain income prospects. Nor the moral and ethical ambivalence of existentiality.
It’s the training requirements. Newly minted pirates are always too much. Or too little. Or too something. It’s not like the job comes with a training manual. Piratical policies and procedures.
Everything is up in the air. Negotiable. Subject to conditions. Really. It can be quite exasperating.
That’s why I use Helen Tavrel’s Piracy in Practice as my preferred guide to understanding the basics. For all new recruits. Whoever they may be.
Keech Ballard
Ghost Writer on the Storm
Website: keechballard.com
I like the build up, the middle line announcing the job doesn’t come with a training manual, only for the ending to punch you lol
It’s definitely pithy, every word feels efficient and effective, and the subtle emotion threaded throughout is very relatable.
I’d buy the manual!