
by Meera Dandekar


The dark alley felt more like home and reality hit me. What was the point of running? Nothing was going to make the sinking feeling of void leave my chest.

A robotic voice outed me; my location pinged on every broadcasting frequency.

The white, powder-coated, metallic subhuman flew in to arrest me. My crime didn’t feel so serious anymore. It wasn’t like it was alive—it’s just metal.

I tased the machine and it broke down. A hologram flashed the best memories of my childhood. I read the label—System3011-01. The first of many.

My father was a great inventor.


Meera Dandekar

Meera Dandekar, currently living in Mumbai, India, loves to explore fictional worlds showing the magical realm and wants to visit Derry, Maine—the scariest place in the world. She has a definite admiration for the written word. Befriend her by offering her some coffee, she definitely loves a great brew!