Tag Archive for: C.L. Sidell

Narcissus: A Retelling

by C.L. Sidell

“Steer clear of Marwynn’s Pond.”

Curious to see this forbidden place, I creep past Crocus Lane into Farthery Forest.

The pond appears after an hour of hiking, water glinting where sunrays touch it through the coniferous canopy.

Crouching at the bank, I peer into its silvery depths and see myself—eyes brighter, face unblemished.

“I’d no idea I was so beautiful…”

Awe-stricken, I reach toward the liquid mirror—and my ghastly grinning reflection breaks through, grips my wrist, pulls me under.

Down to a bed of scattered bones. Where I thrash and choke. And the watery surface above remains breathtakingly still.

C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C.L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in Cosmic Background, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Stupefying Stories, and others.

Website: https://crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications

Picking Off a Bloody Show-Off

by C.L. Sidell

Uncle’s hosting this year’s family get-together.

I steer along the winding road. Birdsong floats through the open windows, spring foliage perfumes my nose.

Reaching Uncle’s cabin, I spy a tattered man running towards me from the woods.


He extends bloodied hands, right as a pinwheeling hatchet strikes him dead.

Uncle strides into view, smiling sheepishly. “Shoot”—he yanks blade from bone—“I thought the party was tomorrow.”

“You just wanted to show off,” I reply, eye-rolling. “But the best hunter catches their mark completely off-guard.”

Stealthily, I remove the pick hidden in my braid.

I really cannot stomach braggarts.

C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in Cosmic Background, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Stupefying Stories, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications

Who’s Got the Brains Now

by C.L. Sidell

Damien sets the bell curve—gets A-pluses on exams, wins first place for science fair projects.

“Why couldn’t you have got your brother’s brains?”

That’s a good question. One that I ponder for days. I know siblings—even identical twins—inherit different traits from each parent.


I conduct my own experiment. When our parents leave on a weekend-long retreat, I drug Damien and saw open his skull. Fry his grey matter one wrinkle at a time.


That night, I dream of mathematical equations and converse fluently in French.

There’s no doubt.

I’m the brains of the family now.


C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C.L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications

Sharp Objects

by C.L. Sidell

“Mikey! What have I told you about running with sharp objects?”

“Sorry,” Mikey replied.

Jesse swiped the scissors from Mikey’s pudgy fist and turned. “And stop chasing your brother around the house.” Jesse rolled his eyes as he stepped towards the kitchen. “I don’t get paid enough for this gig,” he muttered. “These kids are gonna be the death—”


Jesse flailed as one of the toddler’s sippy cups rolled under his foot.

The scissors flew from his grasp.

Jesse toppled backward, wide-eyed gaze locked on the gleaming blades as they sliced the air and skewered him in the chest.

C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C.L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

by C.L. Sidell

I recite the phrase while plucking the dandelion’s petals, one by one.

“What are you doing?” Chandra asks, reaching for a wine glass. It’s a lovely day for picnicking—birds tweeting in a slight breeze.

“Consulting,” I reply as the last petal detaches on ‘not’.

“But…Travis, you know I love you.”

Wordlessly, I wrap my hands around her throat. She bucks and claws, but her strength is no match against mine.

Only when her body stills and her eyes glaze over do I let go.

“I really do hope the next one loves me,” I say with a sigh. 

C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C.L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications



Captain Kip’s Killer Penguin Sanctuary: Help Wanted!

by C. L. Sidell

G’day, mate!

Want to play a vital role in the well-being of nature’s waddling tuxedo-wearing birds?

Do you have a valid ID or permanent address? Folks who worry about you? Know how to swim?

Extra points if you don’t.

Good news!

You’re hired!

First thing, let’s introduce you to these little guys.

Go on, don’t be shy.

Hold out your hand.

No worries. Showing teeth is their way of smiling. Let ’em get right up close so they can smell ya.

And I can withdraw my knife

Now, this ought to keep your coats nice and shiny.

Dig in while it’s fresh!

C. L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications



Bewitched By Moonlight

by C.L. Sidell

She stands by the river—silver hair gleaming in the moonlight, limbs pale as milk.

Haru drops the kettle, deaf to its clanging against the pebbled shore.


The kimono-clad vixen turns. Smiling, eyes twinkling, she extends a porcelain-smooth palm.

Haru steps forward. Drawn by seductiveness. Blind to reason. Only as furred fingers encircle his wrist, does he notice the watery reflection:

Nine fluffy, silver tails part the strands of her silken mane.

Haru’s yearning swiftly yields to terror as the kitsune’s nose lengthens into a snout. Claws flash, slicing his torso from collarbone to pelvis…silencing his screams forever.


C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications


By the Light of the Fire

by C. L. Sidell


We summoned the thing without knowing what we’d done.

A simple campfire—roasting marshmallows for nostalgia’s sake.

“Grab the sticks,” you said.

I did.

They burned, smoked green.

The earth rumbled, shook without moving.

The thing rose behind you—a menacing, monolithic shadow amongst forest shadows. Its innumerable yellow eyes fixed on me, its rusted voice impregnated my thoughts with inarticulate words. Root-like appendages rose into the air as if in depraved prayer, and my own hands mimicked its movements.

Know I had no choice, its putrid need filling my throat as I thrust the hunting knife into your heart.

C. L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in horror stories. She holds a Master of Arts in both English and library & information science, moderates two creative writing groups, and reviews books for the Florida Library Youth Program. Her work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in 34 Orchard, 805 Lit, Dark Moments, The Dread Machine, Frozen Wavelets, opia, Quarantine Quanta, Spark: A Creative Anthology, and others.

Twitter & Facebook: @sidellwrites



A Circus Act to Remember

by C. L. Sidell


The house erupts in applause as a top-hatted performer steps into the arena, handling three hoops of fire.

On the sidelines: a monkey escapes its cage, pilfers blades from the knife-thrower’s stash, surreptitiously drops them into the cannon.

In the spotlight: the golden-maned cat growls and pounces; the startled entertainer drops his flaming rings.

From the shadows: the oldest elephant charges forward, trunk collecting and flinging each fiery hoop with practiced precision, igniting the cannon’s wick.

An explosion of blades pierces human flesh.

Among the chorus of screams: screeching, trumpeting, and roaring of long-suffering animals now free of their tormentors.

C. L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in horror stories. She holds a master of arts in both English and library & information science, moderates two creative writing groups, and reviews books for the Florida Library Youth Program. Her work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in 34 Orchard, 805 Lit, Dark Moments, The Dread Machine, Frozen Wavelets, opia, Quarantine Quanta, Spark: A Creative Anthology, and others.
Twitter & Facebook: @sidellwrites


One Sacrifice Demands Another

by C.L. Sidell


The tree was too big for our house; its crown bent under the ceiling and too-long branches snatched our sleeves when we walked past.

“Best find in the state!” Pops boasted.

We woke Christmas morning to find every present under the tree open, a red-eyed ghoul crouched among wrapping paper and pine needles.

“No good,” it hissed, fangs bared. “I require greater compensation”—it scratched the trunk—“for losing home.”

Pops scanned the room. Then, finger shaking, pointed at me.

“You can have him.”

A scream clawed at my throat as Pops slunk backward, and the creature, salivating, slowly approached.

C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C. L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in horror stories. She holds a master of arts in both English and library & information science, moderates two creative writing groups, and reviews books for the Florida Library Youth Program. Her work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in 34 Orchard, 50 Haikus, 805 Lit, Dark Moments, The Dread Machine, opia, Quarantine Quanta, Spark: A Creative Anthology, and others.