Tag Archive for: Charlotte Langtree

Leader of the Pack

by Charlotte Langtree


The woman walked alone.

“She’ll have food tokens,” Jenna said.

Five men nodded. Jenna fingered the trigger of the holo-knife she’d stolen from a rival; it fooled scans and would leave a pretty hole.

They cornered the woman at a junction, weapons raised. Golden eyes flickered. Jenna’s gut clenched. It was a droid mole: a trap to catch rebels.

It opened its mouth. Scorching flames shot out, burning Jenna’s men to a crisp. Jenna screamed. The flames were hot, but the burn of the dragon-droid’s laser planting a chip in her heart was worse.

She bowed. “What is your command?”


Charlotte Langtree

Charlotte Langtree is an author and poet from the North of England, and her works have been published by the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, WPC Press, The Poet, Iron Faerie Publishing, Paper Djinn Press, and Black Hare Press. You can find her online on Facebook or at Charlotte Langtree Author/Poet.

A Space Pirate’s Life

by Charlotte Langtree


The ship was like nothing Jasper had seen before. Porous walls secreted a strange substance, and the floor throbbed beneath his feet. Leading his men into a small chamber, he stilled as a sharp hiss erupted.

Liquid flew from the wall onto his arm, searing clothes and skin.

“This ship’s alive!”

He tried to run, but his boots stuck to the floor. With growing horror, he watched as his men were drenched in acidic ooze and devoured by the living ship they’d hoped to pilfer. When his turn came, death was a blessing.

Satisfied, the ship returned to its hibernation.


Charlotte Langtree

Charlotte Langtree is an author and poet from the North of England. Her work has been published by the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, WPC Press, The Poet, Paper Djinn Press, and Black Hare Press.
You can find her on Facebook or online at www.charlottelangtree.wordpress.com.

Nine Ladies Dancing

by Charlotte Langtree


They mesmerised him, nine beautiful women seducing him with every spin and flash of bare legs. He was the last man in the club but he didn’t care; he had enough cash to keep them dancing. It was almost Christmas, his divorce was finalised, and he felt like celebrating.

“How much for even more fun?” he slurred.

The ladies smiled. When he spotted the glint of sharp teeth between their lips, he put it down to cheap vodka and expensive coke. As they gathered round, sinking their teeth into his veins, the pleasure stole his breath. They stole his life.


Charlotte Langtree

Charlotte Langtree is an author and poet from the North of England. Her work has appeared in the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine and is due to be featured in upcoming anthologies by Eerie River Publishing and Black Hare Press. You can find her online at www.charlottelangtree.wordpress.com.