Tag Archive for: dark moments

Flames of Betrayal

by Paula R.C. Readman


Martha fed more sticks to the fire. Soon the cauldron bubbled.

She took a deep breath and began to chant. She had to get it right.

First, she added rosemary for remembrance and lavender for love.

Would he appear before her as the old witch had promised?

As the two aromas filled the air, Martha opened her eyes.

Joseph stood there.  All smiles and strong in a foggy haze.

How she wanted him, her only true love.

Through the mist another appeared. Joseph wrapped his arms around her.

To the cauldron, Martha added hemlock, cursing him until his dying day.

R.C. Readman

Paula R.C. Readman learnt ‘How to Write’ from books which her husband purchased from eBay. Now a published author of The Funeral Birds, Stone Angels and a collection of short stories Days Pass Like A Shadow.

Where’s Margaret?

by Kelly Matsuura


When Wizard Qarmel took to his death bed, I didn’t want him to die alone.

“What’s Margaret’s address? I’ll send a letter,” I offered. The wizard’s wife had left years earlier, but no one knew her current whereabouts.

“No need.” Qarmel smiled. “She’s with me, always.”

“She’s gone. Remember?”

“Margaret is here,” he insisted.

He opened his robe. In place of skin, his entire chest had become a window of frosted glass. Light from nearby candles danced on the surface.

As did Margaret’s face.

Her ghostly image rippled and weaved; a prisoner forever trapped under ice.

“See? She never left.”


Kelly Matsuura

Kelly Matsuura writes diverse YA, fantasy, and literary fiction.
She is the Creator of The Insignia Series’ anthologies (Asian fantasy themed) and has had stories published with Ink & Locket Press, A Murder of Storytellers, Black Hare Press, Harbinger Press, and many more.

Two Wrongs Don’t Save a Changeling

by K.B. Elijah


Cold winds borne from grey skies whipped around me, mixing strands of my green hair with my tears.

“Merle.” Acquisition Officer Karea fluttered down onto the bridge beside me. “You were reported for conducting an unauthorised child transfer.” Her breath caught as she followed my gaze down to the violent, swirling waters beneath us. “What have you done with her?”

“Made sure the human parents keep the changeling,” I snarled. “My child will have a better life.”

Karea choked. “We’ve already conducted the transfer. The baby you took was…yours.”

The corner of a pink blanket disappeared beneath the frothing waves.

K.B. Elijah

K.B. Elijah writes for various international anthologies, and her work features in dozens of collections about the mysterious, the magical, and the macabre. Her own books of short fantasy novellas with twists, The Empty Sky and Out of the Nowhere, are available on paperback and Kindle now. 

Bloody Mary

by Neen Cohen


She fluttered her bright blue eyes in the lights of the nightclub, taking the drink from his over-eager hands.

“Now leave.”

He turned, eyebrows knitting. Tomorrow he would wonder where all the money went with no hangover to show for it.

“You make us look bad.” Teara shook her head despite her ruby red smile.

“We are bad, T. Still…looking sweet and innocent isn’t our fault.”

“It will catch up, one day.”

“Fantastic. I can’t wait for the next challenge.”

She leaned forward, her cleavage bringing the next victim closer.

Her nails slit through his throat, flavouring the drink.

Neen Cohen

Neen Cohen is an LGTBQI and speculative fiction author. She has a Bachelor of Creative Industries and is a member of the Springfield Writers Group. Neen loves to roam cemeteries and botanic gardens and can be found writing while sitting against a tree or tombstone. https://wordbubblessite.wordpress.com

To Serve and Obey

by Zoey Xolton


Lucifer languished upon the immense, black throne forged of dragon glass. Slumbering by his side, Lilith’s great scaled tail wrapped around the dais, her bejewelled hide wreathed in living flame.

The Fallen Angel reached out and stroked the beast. “Lilith.”

She growled softly, deep in her throat, a rumble of contentment shivering through her as she dreamed. Moments later, she was transformed. Awakening at the King of Hell’s feet, she stretched like a cat.

A primal hunger arose within Lucifer—the fires of the Pit dancing behind his eyes.

“How may I serve you, my Lord?” she purred, her voice husky.


Zoey Xolton

Zoey Xolton is a published Australian writer of dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and horror. She is also a proud mother of two and is married to her soulmate. Writing is her passion. She is especially fond of short speculative fiction and recently released her debut collection Darkly Ever After.


The Old Switcheroo

by Steven Holding


All it took was one look at her hook nose and Danny knew that his granny was a witch.

A familiar black cat, dark pointy hat, although her number of nipples remained firmly under wraps, despite Danny lurking on the landing at bath time, desperate to administer a dunking.

He took no risks, smashing his eggshells at breakfast, stopping her from setting sail upon the seven seas, sinking fleets using sorcery.

Granny was suitably distressed.

“Don’t you love me?” she pleaded. “Warts and all?”

“Oh, Nanna!” sighed Danny.

She hugged him.

Then bunged the little bastard straight in her oven.

Steven Holding

Steven Holding lives in the United Kingdom. His work has appeared both online and in print. Most recently, his piece Route Thirty-Three won the 2019 H.E. Bates Short Story Prize award for best story from a Northamptonshire-based writer. You can follow his work at www.stevenholding.co.uk.

A Romance in Dunwich

by V.A. Vazquez


There weren’t many eligible bachelors in Dunwich, but even then, all the women stayed away from Wilbur Whateley. His beard was coarse and knotted, like the hide of a mountain goat, and he smelled like cracked eggs that’d gone off.

“Disgusting,” my sister would say, turning away to avoid his stare. He had to crouch down to shuffle through the bakery door, his woollen coat dragging on the cobblestones behind him.

I never turned away; I never refused to meet his eyes. Not the ones on his face and not the ones nestled in the crevices of his hips either.

V. A. Vazquez

V.A. Vazquez writes urban fantasy and dark romance. She currently lives in Glasgow, Scotland, with her husband and small doggo.
Website: www.vavazquez.com


by Jacqueline Moran Meyer


Elspeth haunts me. At night, I hear her ankle chains scrape along the floorboards towards the bedroom I share with my new bride. She’s getting closer, with her bloated body now splattering water on the rug around our bed. Last night, I took to drink in the hope of not remembering her visit. This morning my new love lay dead beside me; wet footsteps led to her side of the bed. I may have married Elspeth for her money and not defended her when accused of sorcery, but never had I suspected her of truly being a witch—until now.

Jacqueline Moran Meyer

Jacqueline Moran Meyer is a writer, artist, and small business owner living in New York, where she received her master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. Jacqueline loves science fiction and horror genres. Reading Ray Bradbury was a mind-blowing experience for her in eighth grade. Alice Munro and Rod Serling were great influences. Jacqueline also enjoys the company of her husband Bruce and their three children: Julia, Emma, and Lauren. Jacqueline’s mantra is “The only time it’s too late to try something new is when you are dead.”
Website: jmoranmeyer.net

Whitechapel Rain

by Matthew Wilson


I have had dark moments since I escaped that hospital filled with fools who didn’t grasp my greatness, so I had to burn them.

I wished to run into the light, but Whitechapel only has darkness and more laughing women who do not appreciate me.

The doctors I burned? I have murdered for necessities—like clothes—borrowed a dead man’s name, but still my head is filled with horrid thoughts.

But I will prove those dead doctors wrong, I will try to be human, something free and undeserving of cages.

Gentleman Jack, even if I do have frequent dark moments.

Matthew Wilson

Matthew Wilson has been published over 200 times in such places as Horror Zine, Star*Line, Zimbell House Publishing, and many more. He is currently editing his first novel.

Midnight at the Gallows

by McKenzie Richardson


The corpse swings on its rope when my fingers wrap around its wrist. Tendons and muscles fray as I sever the flesh. Cracking bones, I saw through until the hand falls into my grasp.

Before dissolving into the darkness, reeking of congealing blood, I collect slabs of fat from the murderer’s torso for a candle, a hair from his head to serve as its wick. Placed in the Hand of Glory, it will grant me powers unimaginable with which to exact my revenge.

They thought to burn my kind. They are not the only ones who can play with fire.

McKenzie Richardson

McKenzie Richardson lives in Milwaukee, WI. Most recently, her work has been featured in anthologies by Black Hare Press, Eerie River Publishing, and Iron Faerie Publishing. She has also published a poetry collaboration with Casey Renee Kiser, 433 Lighted Way, and her middle-grade fantasy novel, Heartstrings, is available on Amazon.