Tag Archive for: don money

Bleed Red

by Don Money

“As I mentioned when you signed the contract for editorial services, my expertise comes with a price,” Vachele Quinn said to the younger man.

The imposing view of the city from the ninety-seventh floor splayed out behind the man at the desk furthered the trepidation felt by Cameron Yates. “I thought you were kidding. You can’t be serious?”

“Oh, I am quite serious,” Vachele replied. The editor slid the empty ink well and syringe across to Cameron. “I find writers make fewer mistakes when they have to give a little of themselves to help me mark the corrections I find.”

Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school literacy teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Cut to Laughter

by Don Money

“What’s so funny!” Fedor yelled at the bloody man strapped to the metal table. His first cut had caused the man to begin laughing.

The howl of laughter stopped. “How many have you cut apart?”

Fedor in his depravity had taken apart thirty-six people.

“I dare you to slice my stomach open.” The laughter cackled from the man.

Anger overtook Fedor; with a deft hand he sliced the man’s stomach to end the taunting laugh.


Fedor looked down as three tentacles emerged from the incision and wrapped around him. They began to pull him close as the laughter resumed.

Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Trading Places

by Don Money

Darrell Stevens was caught totally unaware as the plastic moulded arms closed around him from behind. Darrell, the lead researcher at Merrill Safety Labs, felt his body lifted in a vise-like grip.

“What the hell!” Darrell exclaimed as he caught sight of his attacker. The anthropomorphic test device carried Darrell towards the accelerator track used to slam test cars into a wall at hundreds of miles per hour.

The crash test mannequin shoved Darrell into the car; a blow to the head stunned him. As the mannequin hit the start button, an electronic voice emitted, “Let’s see how you fare.”

Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.





Bone Music

by Don Money

The humidity of the Arkansas summer drenched Dr Parnum as he hiked down alone into the isolated valley. The tall cairn of rocks marking the entrance to the valley matched the description in the Quapaw stories he’d studied.

Ten years of research finally led him to the location of the legend of the Ozark anthropophagus people. In the clearing, spinal column bones dangled from trees like wind chimes.

A primal grunt drew Parnum’s attention and as he turned, a stone ax descended on him. The cook pot awaited the meat, and the trees awaited the music the bones would provide.


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.


by Don Money

The book cover made of tree bark grabbed Elroy’s attention, but what intrigued him more was the title, Dark Magic of Appalachia. The horror the spells inside promised gave rise to a dark idea.

A gluttony incantation and the moonshine from Elroy’s still became something people couldn’t live without. The desire consumed every person who fell under the spell of the moonshine. The money poured in as the desire grew, the demand more than Elroy could satisfy.

Craving the needed drink, the crowd descended on the still. Elroy’s pleas for more time went unanswered as the horde tore him apart.


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

It’s Just Business

by Don Money

What harm could it cause? I thought. A secret two week getaway to Cancun with a clone covering my job at the office. The clone was easily enough to come by in the back alley laboratory. A month training “Steve” and everything was ready.

A week later, I sat at the bar watching the news. “The shock is reverberating across the business world as stock analyst Steve Moore was named CEO of multimillion dollar Golarx Industries.”

I rush back to my hotel suite. A stranger stands in the room with a gun. “Mr Steve says he has it from here.”


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Metallicum Caro

by Don Money

It was only a matter of time until viruses caught up with technology. From the moment Griffen woke and his right hand clanked against his bare chest, he knew it was the virus, Metallicum Caro, metal flesh.

The news coverage of the nanite virus that jumped from artificial intelligence machinery to human host began a month ago, and the panic, as well as the virus, spread like wildfire.

What started along Griffen’s entire right arm and upper torso engulfed both legs by the time the quarantine technicians arrived. His last feeling was the cold of the metal engulfing his brain.


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Fin Friends Petting Zoo

by Don Money

The idea, the man at the bank said, was a terrible one. Wesley didn’t appreciate the lack of vision the loan officer saw in his project. People loved farm petting zoos; this would be even better, a shark petting zoo.

Without the bank, he would need to look for private investors. The way to pull in the needed money would be to make a video showing the idea in action.

The camera was set up on the beach to catch the fun. Wesley spread the bloody chum all around him in the waist-high water. One fin, five fins, ten fins.

Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Am I Pretty?

by Don Money

The task force had found the monster’s lair after months on the trail of the kuchisake-onna, The Slit-Mouth Killer, as the papers dubbed her. The investigation had consumed Captain Suto, the bloody images were a web of scars in his mind.

Suto’s department issued .38 Special revolver looked out of place amongst the weapons of the Special Assault Team. He followed the breach team in but was immediately pushed back outside.

The officers meant to shield him, but it was too late, the captain saw the body of his daughter under the red smeared “Am I Pretty?” on the wall.


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies.




by Don Money


Of the thirteen Yule Lads, Ketrokur was the most feared. While his brothers were known to slam doors, lick spoons, and other trivial inconveniences, Ketrokur lived up to his nickname, Meat Hook. When he came down from the mountains, the Icelandic night was bathed in blood.

Doors torn from their hinges, the iron hook in Ketrokur’s hand grew bloodier with each house he visited. The greedy hook collecting a sacrificial toll.

With the sunrise, Ketrokur returned to his rocky crag; his sled was weighed down by the sacks stained from their bloody contents. A year’s worth of meals on board.


Don Money

Don Money writes stories across a variety of genres. He is a middle school language arts teacher. His stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies.