Tag Archive for: drabble

Cornered Cake Cutter

by Lauren Dennis

Putting my fist through Valerie’s shit-eating grin is akin to feeding it into the office industrial shredder. Her teeth slice my skin, sending shards of enamel and flesh plopping into Susan’s coffee. The blood and icing-coated knife in Valerie’s shaking hand narrowly misses my cheek, allowing me to slam her skull against the cement wall.

I permit Valerie to see herself once more by pointing her gouged out eyes towards her pummelled corpse. The office gawks. Susan pours another coffee.

I ignored Valerie’s self-righteous entitlement for the last time.

It was my promotion cake…

And I called the corner piece!

Lauren Dennis

Lauren Dennis is a writer from Johns Island, South Carolina. She writes about ghosts, gags, and boo-hags. She has been published in Roi Fainéant Press and Fairfield Scribes. You can follow her writing and adventures on Instagram.

Instagram: @LaurenWritesLoud

Putting Yourself in Your Work

by Jonathan Tolstedt

The contractor pointed out three places where nails I had driven into studs had broken through the sides of the noggins. Three nails out of how many thousands I had put into this house?

He told me to fix them and went on about how he puts a part of himself into every house he builds.

“I understand, Terry,” I said. I picked up the nail gun, pressed it to his forehead, and drove three 3” ring shank nails into him.

And, true to Terry’s wishes, I left a piece of him in every house I built from then on.

Jonathan Tolstedt

Jonathan Tolstedt is a patent agent by day and evolving writer by night. He has previously published a short horror story (2018) and had three of his 100-word horror stories accepted for publication in recent Dark Moments calls for Black Hare Press (2024).

Rule One

by Stephen Herczeg

I can’t believe she did it again. Sixth time this week.

Rule One: Always expect someone is leaving the elevator.

Does she care? No.

Every time the doors open, in she charges, regardless of whether you’re getting out or not.

She’s like a virus. Others drawn by her stupidity follow her in trapping you inside. I always have to fight to get out.

But, today, I fixed things.

We were both waiting for the lift. The doors opened. No lift. Just the yawning chasm of the shaft.

I pushed. Her screams were delightful.

She won’t barge in on me anymore.

Stephen Herczeg

Stephen is an IT Geek based in Canberra, Australia. He has been writing for over twenty years and has completed a couple of dodgy novels, sixteen feature length screenplays, and numerous short stories and scripts.

His horror work has been featured in numerous anthologies. He has also had numerous Sherlock Holmes stories published.



Total Immersion

by Kristin Lennox

Doug’s head snapped forward as he woke with a snort; the greasy pizza box in his lap fell to the floor. He squinted at the sun streaming through the tiny basement windows: mid-afternoon? But what day?

Doug cracked his neck and set his controller on the desk…or tried.

The gamepad was stuck to his palm, fingers welded to the buttons. Confusion yielded to agony as the headset bore into his skull; the chair rippled beneath him, tendrils of fabric weaving into flesh.

As forearms and chair arms melded, a progress bar appeared in Doug’s peripheral vision:

“Integration: 78% complete”

Kristin Lennox


Reality Bites

by Bridget Holland

Gabby smacked her torch against the hydra’s severed neck. Flesh sizzled. The air stank.

“Last head!” Luke called through the murk.  “Keep up!”

As she lunged forward, a coil clamped onto her shoulder. She fell, swamp water closing over her head. Her health points flashed red.



Her mother, shaking her shoulder—that explained the coil.

“Dinner, Gabby! I called you twice already.” Mum wrinkled her nose. “Something smells.

“That’s the swamp. This new VR suit is dope. Full sensory.”

Mum snorted. “Dinner. Now!”

Gabby peeled the suit off. The stench intensified.

Leeches—blood-filled, satiated—dropped from her arm.

Bridget Holland

Bridget’s a reader, dreamer and writer living in Australia and in her imagination.

Officer, It Was Just a Game

by Crystal N. Ramos

I didn’t do it. She was my daughter, officer. I was playing some kind of new VR game. Really immersive.

See, you run around stealing cars and stuff and try to evade the law. The game has this mechanic where you can pick up a prostitute, gain health, and then kill her to get your money back.

I was just playing a game… No, I don’t know the brand or where the headset is. You ripped it off my head when you tackled me, didn’t you? This blood? You must have smashed my nose or something… What do you mean it’s hers?

Crystal N. Ramos

Crystal N. Ramos lives with her husband and two children in Georgia, USA. She has won the Maggie Award for Excellence in Prepublished Romantic Fiction twice and has an MA in Professional Writing from Kennesaw State University. Some of her shorter work has appeared in Rescued Hearts: A Hidden Acres Anthology, Stygian Lepus Issue 5, and The Dr T. J. Eckleburg Review. In her imaginary spare time, she likes to knit, cross-stitch, and play Minecraft. You can find her on Facebook.

Facebook: @crystalnramos

Derek Levels Up

by Grace Quon

Derek grabbed the shotgun from the table. Six shells. Guttural snarls erupted in the hallway. He burst the first zombie’s head open like a rotten melon, but the next one was already charging. Bring it on, assholes. A minute later, six festering corpses littered the floor.


What? ExtremeReality had hyped Zombie-geddon as a mind-blowing, life-changing event. Only five copies available—twenty million each. If the first mission didn’t deliver, they’d hear from Dad’s fucking lawyers tonight.

First, he’d sneak a beer, though. But on the kitchen table, there was a shotgun. Six shells. Snarls erupted in the hallway…

Grace Quon

Grace Quon grew up loving books and libraries. After a detour through a math degree and a career in high-tech, she’s once again exploring the world of story writing. You can find her online at:

Website: gracequon.weebly.com

Open Call – Dark Moments – Drabbles – HARMACY & MEDICAL HORROR


The NPCs Are Watching

by Nina Miller

You saw me selling wares from a cart. Watched my bosom jiggle as I cried over my pies. Asked me what was wrong, and I told you of my sister kidnapped by necromancers. I needed a knight errant and offered what I had. You obliged.

You entered the cave and negotiated with the evildoers. The game glitched as you took their gold instead of my sister. You saw me in the shadows just before your screen went blank.

Pop-ups cascaded with warning, warning, warning, as I downloaded hidden photos, took your money, released medical records, and made private chats public.

Nina Miller

Nina Miller is an Indian-American physician, epee fencer, and creative who made the Wigleaf Top 50 for 2024. She loves writing competitions and drinking chai. Find her flash and thoughts on writing within Flash Fusion, an anthology by Dahlia Books. Find her @NinaMD1 and her published pieces at:

Website: ninamillerwrites.com

Life is Rubbish

by Fiona M. Jones

“Damien.” It was the Enemy. “What—”

Damien dodged away, throwing chairs to slow the Enemy’s advance. He needed to level up, exchange the bread knife in his jacket for a machete. He headed for the Great Hall, ducked into the equipment cupboard, but the Enemy had seen him—had him cornered now.

“Damien. Will you please—”

Damien raised his weapon and struck, a long slicing blow that felled the Enemy. Cheers of admiration went up—or were those screams of fear? Damien suddenly felt tired. Discouraged. Life is rubbish. The blood spatter is much better in the game.

Fiona M. Jones

Fiona M. Jones writes very short things—dark-themed fiction, nature-themed nonfiction, and sometimes poetry. Her published work may be sampled from her website:

Website: fionamjones.wordpress.com