Tag Archive for: expedition to crete

Expedition to Crete

by Kelly Matsuura

The tremors worsen. The stone walls collapse under pressure, trapping us in a vast, labyrinthine crypt, deep under Minoan ruins.

Well, not all of us…

I draw my knife as wraithlike maidens encircle the group, hungry to receive the promised sacrifice.

“What did you do, Renée?” Tomás screams repeatedly.

I kneel and begin praying for the Goddess to accept me.

Tomás is still cussing as the men are all overpowered, their blood greedily consumed.

 Imminently, the High Priestess appears before me. My whole body trembles, surrendering.

She holds her goblet out. Cutting my hand, I humbly gift my own blood.

Kelly Matsuura

Kelly Matsuura is an avid short story writer, with a focus on fantasy, horror, and literary fiction.

She has stories and poetry published with Black Hare Press, The Sirens Call Ezine, Dragons Soul Press, Stringybark Stories, and many more.

Kelly lives in Nagoya, Japan with her geeky husband.

Website: blackwingsandwhitepaper.wordpress.com