Tag Archive for: J.W. Garrett

STORMING AREA 51 – Is REALLY Out of This World!

If you’ve ever wanted to travel out of this world and explore the great solar system that is out there for the young creative mind, now’s the chance! Well, kind of. Some of the world’s luckiest writers are going to get a chance to send their writing to the moon on the Peregrine Mission in the form of a time capsule. It’ll be the ultimate option for those who want their work to be immortalised throughout time.

13 Drops of Blood – Launches 14th February 2021

This is an industry of rejection and to be successful, an author needs to be able to never throw in the towel, no matter the hard road ahead of them.

The Unfound by J.W. Garrett

The year is 2055. And Scott Adams is a dead man. It’s a race against the clock to piece together the scraps of information he’s uncovered from the corrupt Inner Circle’s agenda, along with the extent to which their actions will affect all humanity.

Only When I Sleep

by J.W. Garrett


Shana glanced upward. Bits of darkened sky lightened; daybreak wouldn’t be far behind. Her coffin’s comfort wasn’t far. She’d easily make it.

But more than anything, Shana wanted to be a creature of the light. Instead, she lurked in gloom, syphoning from her prey, never to experience the radiance she yearned for deep inside. When she slept, colours of the sun warmed her, seeping through her blackness even though she was shut in tight.

Reaching toward the brightness she craved, Shana waited…

Her blood pulsed as the brilliance took her, and in a burst of flame, she met the dawn.


J.W. Garrett

J.W. Garrett writes YA fantasy from the sunny beaches of Florida. Currently, she is hard at work on the next book in her Realms of Chaos series, releasing summer 2020. When she’s not hanging out with her characters, her favorite activities are reading, running and spending time with family. www.bhcpress.com/Author_JW_Garrett.html




Dinner for Three

by J.W. Garrett


A sticky red paste covered the cook who’d gone to whack off the heads of the three hens, his entrails now picked clean.

But the trio was still hungry.

Poking a path through the kitchen, the French hens searched for their own dinner on the third day of Christmas. Delicious aromas spilled from the space, a precursor no doubt to them—the intended main course.

Sometimes menus change.

Eyeing the baker, they attacked with a shriek. Eyes, liver and heart devoured, they departed, bloody claw prints the only clue left for the calling birds arriving the fourth day of celebration.


J.W. Garrett

J.W. Garrett writes YA fantasy from the sunny beaches of Florida. Currently, she is hard at work on the next book in her Realms of Chaos series, releasing June 2020. When she’s not hanging out with her characters, her favorite activities are reading, running and spending time with family. www.bhcpress.com/Author_JW_Garrett.html