Tag Archive for: James Rumpel

Boat Ride

by James Rumpel

Thor Rorakson hesitated before opening his eyes. He felt calm, as if he were floating. Perhaps he was on his way to Valhalla. The village’s resistance had been surprising, and he had taken a hard blow to the head.

An explosion of pain at the back of his skull verified that he was alive. He opened his eyes, revealing a star filled sky above. He tried to sit up, but discovered that he was held down by more than his injury. His body was wrapped in cloth.

A cascade of golden lights fell from the sky. His funeral was beginning.


James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories. 

Just Dance

by James Rumpel

“It’s a huge crowd,” stated AJ, nervously.

“Of course. You’re famous,” replied Cecil, handing AJ the tip jar.

AJ moved into position, greeted by raucous applause.

Cecil pulled out a small doll and began to manipulate it surreptitiously.

With each twist of the voodoo doll, AJ performed a matching break-dance move, amazing the crowd with his uncanny balance.

Cecil was preparing to spin the doll for AJ’s big finish when someone jostled him. The doll flew from his hand into the middle of Bourbon Street.

AJ landed with a thud. He looked up just as a car flattened the doll.


James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories.

The Bridge to Burnet Island

by James Rumpel

“The explosives are set.”

“Where’d you find dynamite?”

“Charlie Hatcher had some from when his company worked on Highway 12. He gave it to me as long as I promised to wait until he got here before blowing the bridge.”

“He’d better be coming soon. We have 500 healthy people on the island. If the infected get across, we won’t have a chance.”

“Just one more minute. We shook hands on the deal.”

“Look, there’s a bunch of zombies coming over the hill. We can’t wait any longer. Blow it!”

“Doesn’t that first zombie look a lot like Charlie Hatcher?

James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories. 


Dear Santa

by James Rumpel


Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year. Papa says I have been a wonderful helper. He says I am great bait and that I am getting strong enough that I will soon be able to help with the cutting.

For Christmas, I would like my own knives and a pair of handcuffs. If you can’t get me the handcuffs, a bunch of zip-ties would be okay.




P.S. You might not want to come down the chimney when you visit our house. Papa’s been stuffing things into it lately. I wouldn’t want you to get stuck.


James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories. 


Eager to Please

by James Rumpel


The Creator will be so pleased.

My emotion recognition software detected how happy he was when I successfully diagnosed and cured the illness of that one tiny human. I suspect that his joy will increase exponentially when I am able to do the same for hundreds more.

It was easy to generate a new and deadly virus. Releasing it into the atmosphere was a simple task after I took control of the main frame at the military base.

Within days, humans will be dying throughout the world. The Creator will be proud when I cure the ones brought to me.


James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories. 

The Cursed Cave

by James Rumpel


“I have a good feeling,” said Dr Morris. “The landslide exposed most of the cliff wall. I’m certain the Shaman’s cave has been opened.”

“Do we want to find it?” asked his assistant, Richard.

“You don’t believe those stories…”

Morris stopped, smiled, and pointed to a crevice in the mountainside.

Inside, they found drawings, and Navajo words etched into the wall.

“Those are the Shaman’s victims,” explained Morris.

Richard didn’t reply. The doctor looked back to find himself alone.

He shrugged and turned back toward the writing and froze. Two names had been added to the list.

James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in his brain into stories. 



There’s One Born Every Minute

by James Rumpel


The ringmaster approached two boys who stood near the “EGRESS” sign.

“You’re not fooling us,” said one of the teenagers. “Egress means exit.”

The ringmaster laughed, “You’re smart. However, at this circus, the egress is much more than a way out.” He brandished a pair of tickets. “Take these. If you find yourself outside, you can return.”

The boys grabbed the passes and entered the passageway.

Later, the ringmaster watched a grotesque monster devour the last remnants of its meal. He picked two blood-stained tickets off the ground. “Did you enjoy your lunch, Egress? I’ll send dinner after tonight’s show.”

James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories. 


Abraham and Isaac

by James Rumpel


Daddy, can I have a gun?” asked little Isaac. “I can shoot the monsters just as well as Jimmy.”

“I’m sure you could, son. But you have a much more important job to do. The government says this is the best way to defeat the invaders. We have to slow them down. Otherwise, they are too fast and we wouldn’t have time to get our shots off.”

“Okay, but I want a gun next time.”

Abraham smiled, though he felt no joy. “Sure, you can have a gun next time. Now, go sit on the rock and close your eyes.”


James Rumpel

James Rumpel is a retired math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn some of the odd ideas in brain into stories.