Tag Archive for: Lori Green

Freedom 不羈

by Lori Green

Jun ran her fingers down the tender flesh of her arm, the scars long healed. A gift from her father.

His voice still echoed inside her skull. Buta. Nothing but a pig, an unwanted girl. Before she turned; she would have done anything for him.

No matter, the hakken had embraced her now as one of their own, a daughter of the pack. Emiko was her senpai now.

She threw her head back and howled as she raised her father’s severed head, her fangs still dripping. She let the blood pool on her tongue, savouring the sweet taste of freedom.


Lori Green

Lori Green is a Canadian author who enjoys writing dark fiction, horror, and poetry. When not writing, she can be found haunting the local cemetery on her morning walks. Published with Black Hare Press, Off Topic Publishing, Blank Spaces Magazine, and many more.


The Way to a Man’s Heart

by Lori Green


The scent of roasted meat wafts through the kitchen, and Sarah sets the table, eager to unveil her surprise. Paul has been staying out late again, not even trying to hide it anymore. Taking her mother’s advice, she has cooked up a special treat, just for him.

“Dinner is ready, darling,” she says, releasing his blindfold. He mumbles through his gag, eyes wide with terror as Sarah picks up the knife. “Mother says the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

Her lips curl upward in a twisted smile as she plunges the knife deep into his abdomen.

Lori Green

Lori Green is a Canadian writer who has been writing dark tales since she first picked up a pen. She studied English Literature at The University of Western Ontario and her poetry has been published in print and online at Poetry Undressed. She is currently working on her first novel.Lori Green