Tag Archive for: reality TV

Elimination Round

by Marinda Kotze

The girl scooped up her tray and strode towards the judges’ table.

“Maisie, what have you cooked up for us today?”

“Chefs, today I’ve made you a special jerk pork stew.” Maise lifted the tray’s lid, revealing a cloud of rising steam and the stew, still bubbling in its serving dish.

“You face stiff competition from Henry; do you think this dish is good enough to eliminate him?”

Maise nodded with confidence.

“You said this was… pork?” The chef asked while prodding at a peculiar chunk of meat in the stew.

“Well, he was a pig,” Maisie shrugged.

Marinda Kotze

Marinda Kotze is a South African now living in the Republic of Georgia. Her stories have been featured in 50-Word Stories, Black Hare Press, and The World of Myth. Two of her stories are forthcoming in Calliope Interactive and Schlock! Magazine. She occasionally blogs about her writing adventures on marindakotze.com

Must Watch

by Liam Hogan

Topping TV viewing figures for the thirty-ninth straight week comes the juggernaut reality show Must Watch. The will-they-won’t-they relationship drama—with added guns, knives, and poisons—is engrossing enough, but the clincher is the army of roving researchers, heavily armed, who canvas pedestrians and knock on front doors. Anyone who can’t answer their multiple-choice questions to prove they are, indeed, avid watchers becomes part of that evening’s entertainment.

Some nervous industry experts have suggested killing off potential audience members isn’t a sound growth strategy, but with 97% audience capture rates, it’s a formula we don’t see changing any time soon.

Liam Hogan

Liam Hogan is an award-winning short story writer, who dabbles in drabbles.

Website: happyendingnotguaranteed.blogspot.co.uk