Tag Archive for: Susan Monroe McGrath

The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

by Susan Monroe McGrath

“Hold still.”

Before I can protest, my sister yanks a hair from my scalp.

“Got it!” She holds the gleaming grey strand like a trophy. “Once you find the first grey hair, it’s all downhill.”

I retreat to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. Another grey hair. Sigh.

I mimic my sister, reaching up to pull the offending hair. It feels like it’s attached to my brain.

A drop of blood runs from my hairline, but I can’t stop. I pull harder.

My skin rips before the hair releases, opening my scalp like a zipper.

My sister was right.

Susan Monroe McGrath

Susan Monroe McGrath is a theatre graduate from a school of the arts who still can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up. By night, she writes novels and short stories in a variety of genres. By day, she teaches science to high school students.

Website: susanmonroemcgrath.home.blog

Free Feet Are Happy Feet

by Susan Monroe McGrath

Chelsea hated shoes. They meant pinched toes, rubbed heels, sweaty suffocated feet.

She preferred one of her twenty pairs of flip-flops. No toe pinch, no heel rub, no sweat.

Chelsea’s toes enjoyed the breeze as she rode her bike to the beach. They enjoyed slipping into the sand and then the water.

The bridge was where the trouble began. A foot slipped, a scramble to return to the rhythm of the gears, the comfy flip-flop catching the wildly spinning pedal.

In a tangle of flops and feet, the bike tipped Chelsea onto the rocks past the bridge’s edge.


Susan Monroe McGrath

Susan Monroe McGrath is a theatre graduate from a school of the arts who still can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up. By night, she writes novels and short stories in a variety of genres. By day, she teaches science to high school students. 

Website: susanmonroemcgrath.home.blog