The Camping Trip

by Lark Richmond

Garbage bags, duct tape, and a saw in a black bag in his trunk. Millie was right. She’d sent me terrifying stories about camping dates gone wrong, but she couldn’t change my mind. Peter was kind. I had been so sure. But this bag proves otherwise.

Grabbing the hammer from his murder kit, I sneak back into the tent to do what needs to be done. I read the stories. I know it’s me or him.

Near dawn, his phone chimes. I grab it with sticky fingers and read the message.

“Forgot my tools in your trunk. You home today?”

Lark Richmond

Lark Richmond is a Canadian writer and designer. She’s had terrible nightmares since childhood, which she now turns into horror stories. When the sun is shining and the night is forgotten, she’s also been known to write romantic comedies.