The Fliers Club

by James Lipson


“Are you kidding me?”

“I might be. Why?”

“Seriously? Look in the mirror, tell me what you see.”
“I see a well-appointed Armani suit, impeccable Testoni Oxford shoes, one of twelve Rolex Zerographe Reference watches and a pair of Bvlgari BV 106K glasses.”

“Really? Is that all you see?”
“Dimitry, I’m sure I don’t know what you speak of.”

“You do realize your fang implants aren’t invisible, yes?”

“I thought they gave me an air of terror.”

“Vladimir, while impeccably dressed, an aging vampire with dentures does not invoke the level of fear or terror our membership requires. Application denied.”


James Lipson

James Lipson’s debut book, Fallen and Other Stories, was published in 2019. His short stories have appeared in Black Hare Press Anthologies, Teleport Magazine, Inner Circle’s Writers Group Anthologies, and others. With a background in art, James has naturally turned to illustrating as he writes, bringing many of his short stories to life not only with descriptive detail, but also detailed visual imagery.


Instagram: jameslipsonart