The Greatest Treasure

by Nerisha Kemraj


John Smith’s greedy eyes beheld the moss-covered chest.

There it lay before him.

A lifetime of searching, and endless, near-death battles, brought down to this single moment.

Word of King Ragnar’s lost treasure had travelled the world for centuries, and now here it was, his to own.

I am now the richest pirate in the world! he said, opening the chest to reveal his treasure.

But there was no gold.

No title deeds.

Jars of embalmed hearts filled the chest.

Here holds the greatest treasure anyone could ever own: that of my family.

The pirate’s haggard face twisted in rage.


Nerisha Kemraj

Nerisha Kemraj resides in Durban, South Africa, with her husband and two mischievous daughters. While poetry has been a love since high school, she began writing short stories in 2016. A lover of dark fiction, she has over 100 short stories and poems published in various publications, both print and online. She has also received an Honourable Mention Award for her tanka in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest. Nerisha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of South Africa.
For published work:
Visit her Facebook page: Nerishakemrajwriter