The Pirate’s Jewel

by Andrew Kurtz


Max listened as the freak show owner addressed the crowd. “In this coffin are the remains of the blood-thirsty pirate, Orange Beard, who removed the hearts of his victims.”

Inside was a skeleton with a shredded black eye patch and a bright red jewel in its ribcage.

“The jewel is said to be cursed,” the owner warned.

After the freak show closed, Max snuck back into the tent, but when he lifted the coffin lid, he emitted a bone-chilling scream.

When the owner opened the coffin during the next show, there was a human heart nestled next to the jewel.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and ultraviolent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies. Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, and Edgar Allan Poe.
