The Spirit of Rodeo

Author: Beth W. Patterson
Series: Short Reads
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
eBook List Price: USD 99c
Paperback List Price: USD 7.99

It’s an anxiety dream come true.

Curtis Baum, frontman for the up-and-coming rock band Frozen Wanda, is forced to be a rodeo clown for one night, sparring with a snarky shape-shifting bull. This boanthrope, known as Luke Tureaud in human form, is ready to buck his own job and deliver some bovine intervention.

Curtis urgently needs to reunite with his band on the eve of their breakthrough tour, but now he’s a clown about to go down. The unlikely duo hatches a daring escape plan. Freedom and the rock-and-roll road await Curtis and Luke if they manage to pull it off.
What could possibly go wrong?

The Spirit of Rodeo by Beth W. Patterson – Launches 23rd April 2021

My grandmother regaled me with stories of William Faulkner, who lived on her street when she was a little girl. She also knew Eudora Welty from college and told me about the measures Eudora would go to just for some peace of mind or solitude in which to write. It’s enough to make me realise how good I have it when I want to slip into my office, and that I really have no excuses for slacking.

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This is an industry of rejection and to be successful, an author needs to be able to never throw in the towel, no matter the hard road ahead of them.

Infinity Mirror

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