The Transformation
by Bud Pharo
“Do you think I’m heavy?” she asked her mirror.
“Yes, but I’ll transform you!” the mirror replied. Every day she asked and received the same answer, “Yes, but I’ll transform you!”
Weeks turned to months and months to years; the same question yielded the same emphatic assertion, “I’ll transform you!”
Exhaustion displaces exuberance as tangible becomes gaunt, and healthy becomes pallid. Yet, she continues yielding to the mirror’s demands, casting off the remnants of her physical being.
Her ephemeral shell briefly dangles precariously on the mirror’s face, then drops into nothingness. Her transformation was complete; the mirror had claimed another.
Bud Pharo
Bud Pharo is a disabled veteran who writes flash fiction and short stories. His work has appeared in Fiction on the Web, Altered Reality Magazine, Neither Fish Nor Foul, 101 Words, 50 Word Stories, Scribes Micro, WayWords, and The Siren’s Call, among others.