The Unfound

Author: J.W. Garrett
Series: Dystopia
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Suspense
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2022
eBook List Price: USD 3.99
Paperback List Price: USD 15.99

The year is 2055. 

And Scott Adams is a dead man.

It’s a race against the clock to piece together the scraps of information he’s uncovered from the corrupt Inner Circle’s agenda, along with the extent to which their actions will affect all humanity.

And the truth is too horrible to imagine…

His number one priority? Getting his family to safety and preparing them for what’s ahead.

Preparing them for a life without him.

But time is about to run out because he’s top of the initial hit list. In less than twenty-four hours, everything will change. His wife and son can be among the survivors…if Scott can hang on long enough.

Technology and political agendas collide, sending civilisation on a never-before experienced up-close look at what waits beyond the confines of their world.

And it wants in.

STORMING AREA 51 – Is REALLY Out of This World!

If you’ve ever wanted to travel out of this world and explore the great solar system that is out there for the young creative mind, now’s the chance! Well, kind of. Some of the world’s luckiest writers are going to get a chance to send their writing to the moon on the Peregrine Mission in the form of a time capsule. It’ll be the ultimate option for those who want their work to be immortalised throughout time.

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This is an industry of rejection and to be successful, an author needs to be able to never throw in the towel, no matter the hard road ahead of them.

The Unfound by J.W. Garrett

The year is 2055. And Scott Adams is a dead man. It’s a race against the clock to piece together the scraps of information he’s uncovered from the corrupt Inner Circle’s agenda, along with the extent to which their actions will affect all humanity.

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