Time and Decay

by Zoey Xolton


Rayne’s heartbeat thundered in her ears until the world fell away, and there was nothing but her shuddering, panicked breath, and the steady, hypnotic rhythm of blood roaring through her veins.

Plastered against a cold concrete pylon, hidden in the shadow of the interstate bridge, a hoard ambled by just feet away. There were hundreds of rotters, maybe a thousand; all stumbling along in an endless procession of decay.

The gurgling, rasping moans unnerved her, and she unconsciously side-stepped—a plastic bottle crushing underfoot. The crunch brought the hoard to an immediate stand-still and she froze.

Her time was up.

Zoey Xolton

Zoey Xolton is a Best Selling Australian author of Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. She is also a proud mother of two, and is married to her soul mate. Writing is her greatest passion. Her debut short story collection ‘Darkly Ever After’ can be found on Amazon!
Link: www.zoeyxolton.com