Under Your Skin

by Brandi Hicks


I skitter over skin, searching for the perfect spot. My host can’t see me as I dig through her dermis, but soon enough she’ll feel me. She’s done nothing wrong; she just tastes oh-so-sweet and was in the wrong place when I caught her scent. I’m at her muscle now, the sinewy goodness quenches my hunger-lust momentarily.

It’s time for the fun to begin.

My pincers snip away at tissue, I don’t need it but I want it. I hear her now, my venom filling her, making her scream in agony. I call for my siblings. Let our plague begin.

Brandi Hicks

Brandi Hicks lives in West Virginia, USA, loves writing in multiple genres, but hates writing bios. She has had multiple drabbles with Black Hare Press and one short story in Surviving Area 51. Her newest work releasing December 8, 2020, Happy Howlidays, is a collaboration with nine other talented authors.